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Monday, December 17, 2007
Health Insurance "Reform" and the idea of Play or Pay
The crushing impact of the health insurance industry is the combined effect of increased premiums for less coverage. While there are numerous proposals for saving costs in terms of premiums (high deductibles, lower contribution rates for employers, ever-widening groups excluded as "high risk"), the bargain basement approach does not address the other part of our health care crisis, less coverage, the COST of medical care from endless testing to actual treatment when necessary. These costs should be the target of health insurance coverage and health care reform. The shift of how to "insure" the healthy on the cheap will not solve the inevitable cost of treating individuals when they are ill. The idea of play or pay health insurance where companies can opt out of offering insurance to their employees by paying a certain amount of money is idiotic because it assumes that companies have been the "middlemen" between insurance companies and insureds. In fact, companies were originally supposed to use their bargaining power as a GROUP of individuals to negotiate a better insurance rate based on the increased customer base. While the trend is every man for himself, which will tend to equalize the cost of health insurance among comparatively equally healthy people, the ultimate effect of extreme cost for minimal coverage will ultimately INCREASE the number of uninsured as individuals realize that they can afford inoculations and general health exams and it will cost them less than thousands paid in premiums that will not cover them in the event of actual medical need.