Top five reasons we don't "do" insurance:
1) Can't figure it out
2) Even if you can figure it out what can you do, they've got the last word
3) We get worn down with "fighting" the insurance company
4) I figure I've got coverage and that's enough
5) Can't get through to anyone
All valid.
Reason Number 1: Can't figure it out: We're all in the same boat on this one. A few tips: First, commit any verbal remark from the insurance company to writing, a quick memo. Recently I had to deal with State Farm Insurance and I was amazed at the phony speak of its representatives, everything from what the policy provided for to amounts covered.
Even AFTER verbal commitments, State Farm returned to their "calculations" each time coming up with new requirements, exclusions, all delivered through a parade of representatives that required resubmitting and re explaining the situation. This is still going on and the last bozo from this company ACTUALLY wrote that the delay in settling the claim was because I required them to put it in writing. That's how I know this requirement is a winner. Do not trust what is said to you, unfortunately, the ethics handbook doesn't support honesty.
So after you put it in writing where do you send it? Every time you speak with someone get a name, write a date, time and that name in a journal and ask for a fax number to send them something. The mega companies play a great game of being hard to locate. From the start go to one of the many websites and find out where CORPORATE headquarters are, use a stamp and send a copy there as well.
You don't need to be an insurance pro (trained to categorize to deny claim), write the truth and if things get recategorized for exclusion, at least you'll have a record. One of State Farm's tactics: the interchangeable use of reasonable expenses and actual expenses in order to avoid paying either one. I should have and did not get these early lies in writing.
So start your writing.