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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Government health benefits: Biggest drain, biggest entitlement

BEFORE YOU VOTE check out the federal government benefits at
IF AFTER READING what your go it alone Republican representatives have for health insurance compared to what they think is good enough for you still resonates, vote Republican.

Every government entitlement in the form of vastly superior health insurance benefits as determined by cost for coverage, extent of coverage, should be rejected by the frontier go it alone Republican types unless their reasons for trying to sell you a "chevrolet" instead of a "cadillac" is really that they don't care.

UNTIL every citizen has access to this entitlement or until this entitlement is done away with, NO politician who is anything but a HYPOCRITE and LIAR can fight against universal health insurance coverage.

The biggest barrier to health insurance and therefore health care reform is the benefits package offered to government employees at every level. Government employees don't have the same worries as the rest of the citizenry.

And this is not a commentary only against Republicans. Barak Obama has now at least two times prioritized his concerns with "energy" over health insurance and health care. While "energy" may be the wise choice politically because it's a popular idea among all citizens, it is dangerous for Obama to forfeit the health insurance/health care problem for more energy policy and legislation.

Health insurance and care are number one. Get rid of these government entitlements that use tax dollars to provide government workers with perks the rest of us don't have and that support insurance companies who take a lower profit level in exchange for the millions of government workers and then charge everyone else more.