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Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Women pay more for private health insurance...GOOD!

I am actually glad to read the October stories discussing the higher price women pay for private health insurance. Mean spirited? No. Maybe, just maybe, it will persuade some of the women who are satisfied with our system to join their voices to the ever-increasing number of "special" groups being singled out for higher rates. I think people with allergies, people with acne, should all be price gouged until we wake up and realize that we have ALL been singled out by insurance companies in one way or another because insurance companies grow richer by paying out less and charging more. We accepted it when it was done to the other guy, that was our mistake and now we are the other guy.

This is not about a free market...billions in dollars are spent by the Health Insurance Industry for lobbying efforts to influence legislation that is beneficial to their bottom lines...go examine the AHIP website. It is not a free market when only one side gets to use government for their benefit.

This is not about big government...Government health plans are great, they're paid for by taxpayers who do with less and less in order to maintain benefits for our governmental employees...go examine websites for the benefits package for any civilian government employee from the local to the federal level.

This is not about insurance companies losing money...the drop in insurance company profits is recently due in greatest part to the fact that insurance company investments are worth less just as your investments are worth less.

This is not about physicians being unable to make a living...look at the AMA website. The AMA has achieved guaranteed pay levels by threatening not to participate in Medicare or other health plans. This threat has protected physician income without any expectation of physician price controls.

This IS about the American people allowing their own individual egos to dictate their allegiance with government, business or health services providers because they felt that their own interests were protected. And it is also about complaining after the fact that you didn't know. You knew. You helped!

Blindly dismissing the uninsured, the underinsured and the bankrupt as being responsible for their own demise, WE ignored the fact that we permitted an industry to run the show.

So women, stop your whining and instead start waking up and realizing that we citizens are a GROUP. The days of buying that it is one fat person, one smoker, one elderly person as dragging you down in terms of the availability of insurance coverage and premiums is long over. Insurance companies want zero payout on premium dollars, that's when they get maximum profit.