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Saturday, January 22, 2022

Live by the Camp, Die by the camp: Rasmussen Poll

 All right, enough, or maybe just the start of something new. All over the news a Rasmussen poll alleges that almost half of Democrats polled support imprisoning the unvaccinated and taking their children away from them. While reality has little to do with the Democrats who trust government to legislate away anything they don't like, we need to address a reality check. Let's all live in their world for a dystopian moment.

The CDC has changed fully vaccinated to mean those who have received a jab in the past six months. Yea Pfizer and its cohorts for selling that. Maybe instead of stimulus checks we all should have been issued shares of Pfizer just like the 39 members of Congress who coincidentally invested in the company in 2018. After all, we are all customers forever, whether the government continues to "pay" for the shots or as more likely will happen it becomes an Obamacare type "coverage" that we all pay for with increased insurance premiums that "cover" the cost of the as-of-now twice yearly jab.

Good enough. Now the recordkeepers must step up their game. We must have a flagging system that directly reports to law enforcement any lapse in "fully vaccinated" status and those individuals must be unceremoniously grabbed and placed in prison camps. No "I thought I was good for a week," no, "I meant to do it," no, "I got sick from my last jab," no, "I've had COVID." No I have religious concerns. NO. Off to the camps you go.

OK, now we must have government seize individuals' property likely using a method like the current RICO statutes that allow for property seizure from lawbreakers. Bye-bye homes, money, jobs as we imprison the not fully vaccinated. Even if you get out of a camp after taking a jab, such seizures would not be voided any more than they are for anyone prosecuted by the government who gets out of prison.

Oh, but there's more. Unvaccinated being placed in camps now oversteps the phony reasoning used thus far by government that the penalty for firing unvaccinated individuals is a job-based penalty and that's why in addition to not requiring checking out, fingerprinting and jabbing all the illegals, those individuals are not subject to the vaccine mandate. However, under the new rules, it's a violation of law to be unvaccinated that would jeopardize your freedom, property and parental rights, not a job-based discrimination.

Time for some new signs at the border, "fingerprinted, vaccinated or imprisoned, your choice." Naturally, the Democrats would immediately carve out an exception for the illegals like every other amnesty program granted that erases all illegal marks against their names (or at least the names they provide in 'good faith.')

Then there would be the difficult issue of health insurance, deny that to those belligerent unvaccinated. But remember the last piece of idiocy from the Democrats, Obamacare that made it unlawful for insurance plans to deny or charge more for coverage for individuals with pre-existing conditions (unless it is tobacco use or age.) So, now we've got another problem, like other choices people make that amount to pre-existing conditions whether it's having children, being obese, binge-drinking, drugging (with anything besides tobacco), being unvaccinated today is not a legitimate reason for denial of health insurance without breaking current law (which of course does not bother Democrats in the least). We'd cull at least some of these non-thinkers from the population if we did an end-run around the pseudo-pre-existing protection provided by Obamacare.

As for those groups currently functionally exempt as not affected by the federal law, yep, Congress is there, the big, kind government that these idiotic Democrats need to nanny them, in April of 2021, Nancy Pelosi said she couldn't find out who was or wasn't vaccinated in the House because it's a matter of privacy. You know, the privacy these new socialists don't worry about for others.

Let's keep going, in defiance of the Supreme Court, Joe Biden still wants businesses to enforce a mandate. Again, it's just law, not meaningful unless the Dems are trotting it out or rewriting it to protect themselves.

So, now the government class will not only be protected from mandates without job jeopardy but they'll be "camp" proof if it's discovered that they are unvaccinated. Of course, this is much harder to do now that we know that even the vaccinated can get and spread COVID.

In this great new COVID-protected world of fantasy, those who are vaccinated can parade around freely (along with illegals, Congress, postal workers) while the rest of the world is either in camps or confined to their homes (if they still have them).

A public health crisis as a permanent excuse to force people to take a vaccine, you can bet it won't stop with COVID, but before we even get to other vaccines like the flu shot, let's remember that drug use disorders are also a public health crisis…Get rid of the ridiculous overblown number of "therapists" and make room in the camps, get over your drug use or see above on how we now handle a public health crisis.

Instead of defunding the police, we'll have new branches of enforcement, hotlines reporting those posing a public health risk, vaccine vigilantes "reporting" on suspected vaccinated status. By the way, chronic illnesses like diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure and heart disease are not only public health issues but are considered high-risk factors for COVID…Make more room in the camps.

There's a few hard truths…Being around people you can catch something and all the caution in the world will not protect you. For instance, there is a new TB outbreak (see WHO 10/14/2021) including identification of the disease in certain restaurant workers. Or if you purchase a food item or beverage where an employee has that disease, you too must go get a jab. The current COVID vaccines are not amulets regarding self-protection or protection of others.

So let's get the new "normal" body of law together for COVID and make sure it makes sense…ALL individuals without exception are subject to the camps if they are not fully vaccinated (in the past six months) and their children will be seized. Be tough, be consistent and instead of using the infrastructure bill to repair roads, start building those camps.