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Wednesday, April 15, 2009

What are you an un-American, Socialist, WUSS?

Big mouths and that American?

On April 12, the Wall Street Journal published an "article" entitled "The End of Private Health Insurance: When government 'competes,' guess who always wins?"

Filled with doomsday predictions and carefully selected "statistics", the article argued about the demise of medical care in this country if we have a national health insurance choice.

What is up with the bastardization of what being American is? Is being American having a Cigna, Blue Cross Blue Shield, AIG, or any other number of companies too big too fail? Is being American alienating every other country as ignorant and cowardly? Is being American poking fun at citizens who believe that governments have the OBLIGATION to protect ALL their citizens and that health care should be a right? Is being American ignoring the past decade's worth of legislation pushed through by lobbyists being paid billions to promote the agenda of big business just so that citizens who seek legislation beneficial to citizens can then be name-called?

Why does this work? Probably because we're not facing the truth: American big shots have become fearful big mouths who put their makeup on before jumping in front of the camera and spouting false bravado before the American long as those people don't answer back.

The article in the WSJ is ridiculous. It's defending a business environment where individual citizens have been brought to their knees because they dared to expect that they could obtain treatment for their illnesses without going bankrupt.

President Obama's plan is not perfect, his love of gadgets has failed to address realities of privacy problems acknowledged by experts in technology. His payments to medical services providers as incentives for them to get on the technology band wagon are appallingly ignorant because they OMIT any requirement of passing savings onto consumers. His special handouts and coverages for civilian governmental workers, a group that will expand under his leadership, widens the divide between ordinary citizen options and those of governmental employees.

But the author of the WSJ article is a coward...yup, I said it. A coward, afraid to deal with the REALITY that insurance companies have raised their prices and reduced what they know, that coverage of RISK of the COST of treating illness? for decades while lining the pockets of their employees with premiums paid in good faith for services that in spite of the analogy pedaled are not the difference between a Chevrolet and a Cadillac but are the difference between life and death.

The author is a coward...too afraid to discuss the greed and fraud of our medical services providers as he parades out the warning that we won't have enough doctors. Really? When was the last time that a doctor rather than a physician's assistant, nurse, nurse practitioner saw you for more than a minute regarding your non-illness checkup? Seeing a lot of unemployed doctors at the unemployment line? Doctors aren't the former ER devoted staff working to save lives without concern for do I know? Did you read the AMA's threats that new Medicare patients wouldn't be taken on if they didn't get a raise? Yup, they got the raise because we're SCARED! Why don't you go into your boss and demand a raise or threaten not to work? How do you think that will work?

The author is a coward...does he not realize that next year his benefits election will reflect the cancer he has a 50% chance of getting during his lifetime? That his care will cost him so much that he may have to actually put down his false American pen and crawl and beg and pray?

The stupidity of using numbers, carefully selected to bolster a specific argument ignores the obvious...our companies have succeeded at the expense of our citizens because of the billions of dollars they used to push through legislation in government which they claim is un-American. Government is un-American? Government reflects our country and ignoring government's role rejects the documents that created our country.

So cowards, instead of attacking those who want nationalized health insurance as un-American, start interviewing the leadership in insurance companies and asking why premiums have gone up for decades, why their salaries have gone up for decades, why coverages have been reduced for decades at the expense of the citizens you claim to give voice to?

Instead of warning us that things will get worse, do some reading and get some Republican representatives on your band wagon explaining why they feel comfortable taking the superior benefits offered to governmental civil servants. Shouldn't they be opting out of those handouts?

Stop whining and complaining and wrapping it up in "statistics"....ridiculous.