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Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Scare Tactics and Media Ads concerning that bad "socialist" medicine

The ad campaign is already here, just watch CNBC and its pathetic play and replay of ads warning Americans of the downsides of "universal" health services or "socialized" medicine. Well, if we don't get smarter, we'll have more of the same.

It's a pretty amazing mind set that remains so afraid of needed expansions to government participation in health services. Medicaid has expanded and as reported in recent days, in spite of fed dollars going through state governments and their corruption opportunities, more people are covered and are getting needed health services. On the other hand, people with "private" or employer sponsored health insurance continue to see the latest manipulation of the love of "preventive" care for a mere co-payment, the greatest sale of a scam since "this way to the egress." As reported last week, people are now finding out that if they utilize their preventive care and something is actually done, such as the removal of a polyp during a colonoscopy, then they are billed by the insurers. Instead of discussing the scam, news reports encourage individuals to "negotiate" coding with their providers. The ads mentioned above have been running on CNBC which has become so transparently "conservative" in terms of yak yakking free market gibberish and they do indeed play into fear of long lines and that terrible Canadian health care....Time for a reality check. CIA World Factbook information about life expectancy has those awful Canadians as tenth in the world in life expectancy while we are THIRTIETH with France and the UK better ranked at 5th and 26th respectively. Our country has plenty of people benefiting from government negotiation and participation in health services from our government civil servants INCLUDING all the go it alone Congressmen who find it perfectly acceptable to take advantage of their fed government benefits, Medicaid, Medicare, Veteran Affairs...all being financed off the ever-increasing costs passed onto ordinary citizens and the middle class who are told that the "free market" works. Insurers make money two ways when it comes to writing policies: Price of premium/number of subscribers...every time a cheaper rate is given to capture a GROUP, the go it aloners are charged more.