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Monday, July 27, 2009

It's Illness that prevents our system from working

From the Republican flow chart of health care with its bold white and red IRS label (everyone hates the IRS, right?) to Obama hitting the road to "sell" his program, why has this site been silent on the "progress?" Because the "progress" is becoming a patchwork of we can work it out fest that ignores the key problems in our system...The costs of our system have increased including payments to physician salaries and specific groups want to preserve their benefits at the expense of everyone else (not very civic conscious?) From some guest speaker on CNBC yesterday claiming that obesity is the reason for the problem to Republican government workers who are spitting the free market ploy to those who don't ask then why sir do you accept the superior benefits afforded to you as a government worker? To the pseudo-complexity of the Republican flow chart it's amazing how much ACTIVITY is going on.

First, let's get socialized it that and stop arguing over labels. Second let's pay for it through things like getting rid of HIPAA and all its employees because EVERYONE knows that you HAVE to sign away your privacy to get health insurance coverage. The old argument used by insurance companies who denied needed medical treatment and then were not held liable applies to HIPAA...We're not saying give up your privacy, we're saying if you want insurance coverage you have to give it up.

Next, accept the fact that GROUPS get better insurance options because they are in a superior bargaining position...our business of x number of people for a reduced rate. Even the free market phonies support this when you read their suggestions to see whether any groups (professional or otherwise) that you belong to offer a membership option. Enough of this go it alone balogna which came about as part of a policy that insurers could preserve and increase their profits by convincing those Americans outside governmental groups, veteran groups, Medicare and Medicaid that they could do better for themselves by shopping around for their own insurance without the burden of their sick peers.

Third, people get sick. Don't flip out, that's the way it is and thank heavens for the doctors and insurers because if people didn't get sick they'd be out of business...or would they. If you look up the numbers (and I won't argue statistics), a tremendous portion of physicians make a significant portion of their income from "wellness" exams...loved by insurers because they are finite costs, loved by providers because giving a test is a lucrative business. It's those pesky sick folks who are gumming up the system. Back to the premise. People get sick. Start with coverage of illness and work backwards to coverage of "wellness"...let people decide whether they need the $150 rebate for going to the gym and cover cancer treatments.

Fourth, instead of focusing on malpractice awards which arguably are won in only a small case of the malpractice cases brought which represent a small number of the actual cases of malpractice that occur, focus on physician fees. We don't want resentful doctors treating us but look at physician salaries...they've gone up EVERY year.

Finally, lose the flow charts. Let's start with these.