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Friday, June 15, 2012

President Obama Executive Order Re Immigration:OPINION

Today we received notice, the President has by Executive Order stated the effective immediately illegal immigrants here more than five years who were brought into the country illegally by their permits are eligible and "...Will be able to request temporary relief from deportation proceedings and apply for work authorization."

Entitled to work and enjoy the benefits of having a legitimate presence in this country with immunity from deportation and the award of work permits.

President Obama reasons: "They were brought to this country by their parents -- sometimes even as infants -- and often have no idea that they’re undocumented until they apply for a job or a driver’s license, or a college scholarship."

So President Obama wants to protect children from the mistakes of their parents. But we don't do that for our own citizens. Children brought into this world under any variety of circumstances are exposed to the downside of their parents' decision making.

Based on President Obama's reasoning, simply misunderstanding how your parents' choices impact you justifies a special form of immunity that finally counteracts the old adage that ignorance of the law is no excuse.

Why should children, especially legal US citizens ever suffer because of their parents' actions? If we are asked to support this Executive Order can we not also ask that a child who wants to go to a state school in a state other than his home state be awarded in-state tuition? Just because the child's parents didn't choose this child's choice of place to live should the child be denied in-state tuition benefits? It doesn't seem fair.

Should not every child who despairs of his parents mistakes and missteps be granted equivalent opportunity to study where they want to study? Certainly the President doesn't intend to afford illegal immigrants greater rights than US students.

And those who have children during their two years here instead of starting a business? Their children are now citizens. Will we separate children from their parents or will the parents then stay in the US with their children forever immune from deportation?

Does this Executive Order encourage legitimate immigration or is it even more worth the risk of coming here illegally and laying low for five years in order to take advantage of this new back-door way of bypassing immigration laws?

This is a back-door, around the law way to provide amnesty. The President knows it and is annoyed that many people know it too.

The US is a house divided by public extremists leaving the vast majority of reasonable people scratching their heads and hoping to choose a leader from two bad choices who is likeliest to stop the bleeding.

It is way past time to reject extremism on both sides as the US implodes with policies being thrust upon us by egos battling for dominance.