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Saturday, July 14, 2012

Dear Candidate: Healthcare-Just the Facts Please

The pattern is emerging that the more that’s said the weaker each side appears. As each side accuses the other of lying, there are some real questions that consumers should have answered fully and honestly and COMPLETELY.

So it is on behalf of middle class Americans that the following questions occur:

Dear Democrats, How does the healthcare tax/penalty directly address the problem of people being uninsured if it doesn’t use that money to purchase insurance so that even after the tax/penalty individuals are just as uninsured as before? (Avoid answers that anticipate more Americans will buy insurance as a result because number crunchers have already illustrated that the tax/penalty may be cheaper than insurance meaning that many people will continue to opt out).

As both sides bicker back and forth it’s obvious that this tax/penalty is not going to do certain things. It’s not going to pay for coverage for the uninsured so they remain uninsured which means that the care for the uninsured touted as the single most important reason to get people insured in order for everyone to carry their fair share is not being achieved by the new tax/penalty.

Dear Democrats and “Liberal” Media, Why do you keep claiming that the money from the Healthcare Tax/Penalty will pay for the Affordable Care Act?

Please explain this in math terms, you know the amount to be generated from the penalty/tax versus the costs of the Healthcare Act because current budgetary allotments in the bill seem to be covering costs that even with the penalty/tax will be required to administer the Healthcare Act. It seems a more accurate conclusion that the provisions of this Act do not pay for the administration of the Act at most these charges will contribute a fraction of the costs associated with the Healthcare Act.

Dear Republicans and “Conservative” Media, Why is government spending so high under Republicans if they are against social programming? Isn’t it true that Republicans spend money differently than democrats not less?

Dear Republicans and Democrats, What government costs will be saved by reducing government size in terms of number of government employees and in terms of government budget in terms of governmental employee salaries saved as well as savings from reducing pensions, benefits and other governmental handouts to Federal employees?

Middle class Americans are getting a little fed up with listening to the good reasons why money we paid into the US for social security and Medicare are being taken with the promise of fewer to no benefits while government civil servants continue to preserve their benefits. Just the facts, who’s going, what benefits are being reduced and how much will it save the American people under your leadership?

Dear Republicans, Why do Republican lawmakers take advantage of health benefits vastly superior to those offered to common folk in terms of benefits for cost of health insurance that are achieved through the power of group negotiations (on behalf of federal workers) with insurance companies while discouraging consumers from utilizing the power of being part of a group to achieve similar contractual leverage and therefore superior benefits?

Dear Republicans and Democrats, Please justify the continued existence of HIPAA in terms of costs of running and dollars and protections provided to consumers in lieu of the fact that we sign away our privacy rights in order to get insurance companies to reimburse us.

Dear Democrats, Why are you adding new rules such as the health insurance tax/penalty to get ordinary citizens to do certain actions in healthcare while incentivizing medical care providers with more money for doing what the Healthcare Act supports?

Dear Democrats, Can the Healthcare Act solve consumer problems for long without some sort of cost controls placed on what can be charged for healthcare services by providers? Why is the only focus on consumer behavior instead of addressing the unspeakable price gouging of the ill by our healthcare system?

Dear Republicans, What has the cost to the American people in paid salaries been to cover 33 votes on repealing the Healthcare Act? Please tell us what average lawmaker salary is hourly, how many hours on average is spent on “repeal” speeches and votes and times that by 33 to calculate the cost to the American people.

Dear Republicans, Please stop justifying everything based on a free marketplace. We are a society run by governments and regulations and that’s why lobbyists from physicians through the AMA to insurance companies influence legislation, right?