If you listen to the President’s “Weekly Address” to the American people, perhaps you’re like me, and can’t avoid the goose-bumped reaction to hearing his next “predictions” for the future at the expense of the present as he “sells” the American people.
This week, the President pushed for immigration reform, using findings from a brief report entitled, “The Economic Benefits of Fixing our Broken Immigration System.” Not even a pretend attempt at an even-handed analysis there.
I’m hoping that this time we’re not fooled as the push for immigration reform follows the format of Obamacare, talk to death possible benefits, ignore possible negatives, give the President a feather in his cap in terms of getting it done and never being able to really prove him wrong since all promises look down the road for POSSIBLE BENEFITS, 10, 20 years down the road and beyond.
This week, the Presidential Crystal Ball promised, “…if the Senate’s plan becomes law, our economy will be 5% larger in two decades compared to the status quo.” What this statement means to me is that the President is in Obamacare mode, he WANTS immigration reform and he will say ANYTHING to get SOMETHING passed.
Read the promise: We’re asked to believe that IF the immigration reform bill is passed THEN we will improve our STATUS QUO economy by 5% in 20 YEARS? This is not a policy, it is an admission of defeat couched in the typical “Wait and see, by the time your working lifetime has ended things will begin to improve.”
There is at least one question we immediately need to ask in order to direct the conversation rather than allow the publicity engine to mislead us into believing that this law is good. We KNOW that the economy has not improved for many Americans and remains lackluster at best for some and disastrous at worse for others. Why is the President justifying immigration reform with the promise that THE WAY OUT OF OUR STATUS QUO ECONOMICALLY is to look to immigration and a guessed impact that in 20 years it will grow our economy by 5%?
In my opinion, with all due respect, and not that much is due in regard to the economy, he has failed to achieve what he promised in five years based on double-talk and is simply resurrecting the overused “kicking the can down the road” philosophy in order to satisfy his ego and his desire to claim that he got immigration reform passed.
Next, our DIVINER in Chief predicts, “Immigration reform would make it easier for highly-skilled immigrants…to start businesses and create jobs right here in America.”
Has the President gone Republican, resorting to the failed idea of JOB CREATORS with the miserable twist of using the promise of the ever-elusive trickle-down theory that he himself fought against when it suited his purposes during the campaign?
It sounds like it to me, except with an immigrant twist, instead of arguing for tax breaks for small business based on the mythical job-creators justification, he argues for incentives for immigrant business using the same myth about job creators.
As for so-called “entitlements,” you know the money we all paid in during our lifetimes to support social security and Medicare that BOTH parties would rather raid and modify than reduce other government spending?
Well, the PREDICTOR in Chief promised that with immigration reform, “Every worker and business would be required to pay their fair share in taxes…and since a large portion of taxes go towards retirement programs that millions of Americans depend on, Social Security would actually get stronger over the long term-adding two years to the life of the program’s trust fund.”
Stop right there. How many times can you threaten the American people with taking away Social Security? The air is clogged with current threats to Social Security, and now we’re supposed to believe that rescue will come from immigrants paying into the system?
Again, the President promises results OVER THE LONG TERM. And what results? TWO YEARS OF LIFE to the program. Based on what? What it is today? We KNOW from the President and from current law that Social Security and Medicare are being modified constantly to limit the paid-for benefits of American retirees.
Two years life to WHAT program? This number is not only showing off the President’s predictive powers, but it’s showing off a magical manipulation of reality that indicates he knows what those programs will look like and require financially in order to predict the promised TWO YEARS of extended life.
In his final Fortune Teller in Chief, President Obama warned, “If we don’t do anything to fix our broken system, our workforce will continue to shrink as baby boomers retire.”
EVERY unemployed, underemployed or insufficiently employed American should be galled by this seeming theory that immigration reform is NECESSARY in order for there to be ENOUGH workers in America.