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Tuesday, August 6, 2013

We Pay for Obamacare and Congress’ Benefits

Congress has decided that when it comes to themselves, having Americans foot the bill for their premiums is better than having to pay increased premiums under Obamacare. It’s an outrageous entitlement that piggybacks on the all the entitlements that government employees get that have spiked their pay way above others in almost every field who are trying to get jobs in the private sector.

You can read it and weep in articles such as, “White House Approves Deal to Exempt Congress from Obamacare,” 8/2/2013,, and other places as well.

I’ve discussed this problem many times before including a 9/19/09 post entitled “Federal Employee Health Benefits,” where I wrote: “The point isn’t that low earning federal employees shouldn't have access to health insurance, the point IS that federal civilian employees have and have had and continue to have options that are far superior to average citizens…”

It is a disgrace that Republicans arguing for the “free market,” which apparently means free for them, and democrats arguing for “fairness,” except when it applies to them can in good conscience do this. It should point out that Republican/Democrat is not the issue, but the issue is the lack of respect for the citizens footing the bills for these spoiled brats.