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Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Shameless: Taking Obamacare Seriously

If you’ve obtained needed medical care or treatment as opposed to Medicine-lite, checkups and inoculations for free, you pretty much know that health insurance costs as compared to what you end up paying with health insurance as well as healthcare costs are both going in the wrong direction for many and perhaps most Americans.

But is it worth getting riled up about a law that ultimately might end up being the punchline of a presidency that’s become synonymous with DECEPTION?

Sure, we can dismiss our current state of affairs with some lazy, “Well all politicians lie,” standard that certainly helps excuse Obama.

But it’s the President himself who has weakened the respectability of his office and the surrounding government through the endless exercise of not seeming to take his own job or the rule of law seriously enough through careless language, repetitive campaign phrases rather than language consistent with developing reality, cagy literalness where though sometimes not technically untrue, untrue in lieu of omissions or seeming finding of loopholes, outright lies, and misuse of humor.

For instance, if you’re advocating health insurance as the best means of obtaining health care (which is a strained connection unless health insurance adequately protects people from financial ruin if they need actual medical care), do you sell it with ads like the newest LUCK PLAN (search Obamacare Luck Plan) that shows young adults in various states of injury chanting that you’ll probably be OK?

The ad’s been deemed “hilarious,” but is merely a naked plug to use people as tools to increase enrollment in Obamacare by millenials. It is singularly non-informative in terms of what you really get from different plans, how much you might still pay even with health insurance and even health insurance with subsidies, or the fact that penalties for being uninsured are by law increasing unless you qualify for an exemption.

And then there are the exemptions. And there are a lot of them (go to mostly having to do with inability to pay because of unemployment or some financial crisis, also indicating a hard truth about Obamacare, it’s only for those already making it financially, otherwise you’re shifted to Medicaid and are advised to try that.

Then there’s the President IGNORING that many of the nation’s poorest in addition to illegals that are exempt from Obamacare though they are the very populations that will clog emergency rooms when they need medical care (I would do that too in their position.)

Then there are the lies told about Obamacare that thePresident shamelessly recites over and over again, padding each new discovery (like the Gruber remarks) with new lies (denying he knows of him or some such idiocy).

Then there are the random “changes” made to the law from starting dates to documentation to the provision of subsidies.

No wonder we don’t take it seriously except in startling instances when one of its many rollout provisions bites us. It’s idiotic and it is the President’s inability to care about anything except that Obamacare survive in name only that contributes to it being a punchline rather than an accomplishment.

Then there’s the now repetitive Obama excuse of not having heard about the Gruber story until after the American people heard it.

The President jokes about the screwed up rollout of Obamacare, jokes about Republicans criticizing the law because he doesn’t care about it as much as those issues never subject to his sarcastic humor eg illegals. His humor is under wraps for certain subject matter like the military or illegal aliens or unemployment.

Unfortunately in the case of healthcare in the US he knows something we also know, Obamacare is a joke at our expense designed to stand as a THING HE DID, which may after all prove that the joke is on Obama.

For consumers, for now, try to get a health insurance plan you can afford. Get the healthcare you need. And for now, hope that Obamacare is improved to address a single important reform for consumers in terms of protection from financial and physical devastation in the face of medical need. Remember if you need an exemption you must apply for it and remember that not even Obama has treated the law as a done deal.