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Sunday, September 11, 2016

Hillary's Wacky Rainbow of Intolerance: The Deplorables

Sure, she just made up the word DEPLORABLES and used it to describe Trump supporters, but Hillary Clinton's been exclusionary all along. Her rainbow is an upside down smile, a frown of missing colors and arbitrary divisiveness. At this point, you've got to be a little bit off-balance to support Hillary. After all…

She says "We're stronger together," while spewing intolerance towards dissenters. During her LGBT for Hillary fundraising speech Hillary described Donald Trump supporters as DEPLORABLES and irredeemable, expressing such hatred she had to spew out a made up word (making the adjective into a previously unknown noun) hacking off about 25% of the population from her obscene rainbow of intolerance.

Then there's the other half of Trump supporters who are pathetic and worthy of the superior democrats' "empathy."

She advocates tolerance but is hostile to white males,, lopping off another segment of the population from inclusion in favor of her rainbow of intolerance.

She hates nationalism, pride in our country describing it instead as xenophobia, yet ALL her proposals are about nationalizing our nation with new nationalistic laws--It's strange that her followers can follow the reasoning that nationalism and pride is bad but nationalizing is good--what does that mean, using our national government for the benefit of anyone besides Americans? More confusion.

Hillary loves lawbreaking non-Americans who are here illegally, promising to renege on Obamacare's promise that only those legally here would be eligible for the national government entitlement payments under Obamacare and to expand the entitlement for people "regardless of immigration status." Not only that but she'll give an additional entitlement in the form of a $5,000 tax credit to those Obama enrollees,

Hillary Clinton's wacky rainbow also wants to expand resources for the 20 percent of Americans who are mentally ill, (including veterans) BUT remember under her new proposals for more nationalized gun control she also wants to remove the doctor-patient confidentiality provision and have providers report their mentally ill patients so that the information can be used to deny gun permits, "Keep guns out of the hands of domestic abusers, other violent criminals, and the severely mentally ill, She omits this detail when talking to people like veterans groups.

As part of her promise to keep and expand Obamacare, Hillary supports ageism, with Obamacare's provisions for slashing Medicare benefits in the amount of $716 billion in the years 2013-2022, Though some old people still imagine that such "savings" to the government will be accomplished without making seniors pay more for less (just like Obamacare).

She's for health care but against treating the seriously ill: Hillary Clinton has expressed no intention to walk back Obamacare's June 2016 provision PAYING PROVIDERS to counsel sick people to die instead of taking a shot at expensive treatments that might not work (see end of life counseling).

She promises to oppose "reducing annual cost-of-living adjustments," under Medicare, which were ZERO this year. It's hard to imagine what further REDUCTION below zero Clinton is referring to.

She's anti-rape and sexual abuse UNLESS your situation connects to her husband in which case, you too are off the rainbow, REAL CLEAR POLITICS,

If you've suffered domestic violence and you're male, Hillary doesn't care, after all, Obamacare DOES NOT provide free domestic abuse counseling for males, only females,

Coal miners--: "We’re going to put a lot of coal miners and coal companies out of business,"

Hillary wants to pretend Wall Street isn't on her rainbow in spite of her wages from the same, but as of May, Wall Street has donated "$23 million for Clinton this election," On the rainbow.

Likely you're not part of her "We're" phony rainbow if you dare to notice that Hillary Clinton has criticized Trump University and omitted mention of Inside Bill Clinton’s nearly $18 million job as ‘honorary chancellor’ of a for-profit college,, "The Laureate arrangement illustrates the extent to which the Clintons mixed their charitable work with their private and political lives," you're off the rainbow, as you are if you dare consider the Clinton "Foundation."

Similarly, if you bring up Benghazi or email, you're not part of her "we're" rainbow.

Think you're on her wacky rainbow? Not likely, unless you suspend reality and pretend that you're the privileged, educated, rich group of nitwits who are spewing lies and twisting reality to get you to feel better about being just another DEPLORABLE.