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Saturday, October 8, 2016

What our Trump Outrage and Clinton Tolerance Says About Us

We're learning some pretty "amazing" things about ourselves.

THE WORD PUSSY IS MORE DANGEROUS THAN THE WORD SUPER-PREDATOR: We're more offended by the word "pussy" than "super-predator," even when the latter is used by a public employee defending a national crime bill policy.

AMERICAN FORGIVENESS GIVES CLEAN RECORDS FOR CRIMES TO ILLEGALS OVER CITIZENS: We're willing to forgive and wipe clean the records of illegals committing the serial misdemeanor crimes of illegal immigrants beginning with illegal entry into the United States and continuing all through fake IDs, nonpayment of taxes, and driving without a license under "amnesty," but will not forgive teenage indiscretions of marijuana use and similar offenses.

ANTI-ISRAEL IS MORE ACCEPTABLE THAN ANTI-TERRORIST: We're willing to support the appalling language used by Israel haters of "apartheid" and "genocide" and defend organizations like Black Lives Matter that adopt that language as part of their "platform" but we're unwilling to use the term "Islamic terrorism."

WE CALL IT LEADERSHIP WHEN SOMEONE TAKES CREDIT AND NO BLAME: We're willing to let a candidate take credit for foreign policy as Secretary of State but also willing to allow her to disavow responsibility for failures like Benghazi, Libya.

WE BELIEVE THAT DEMOCRATS ARE PRO-MIDDLE CLASS: We believe that continuing the policies of Obama, Hillary Clinton will work for the middle class when the GAP between the rich and poor is at RECORD levels under Obama--Politifact June 18, 2015 on Bernie Sanders' statement that income gap is widest since the 1920s--MOSTLY TRUE

WE BELIEVE PRIVATE CITIZEN OPINIONS MATTER AS MUCH AS THOSE WITH POLITICAL POWER: We believe that a private citizen is as powerful as one who has milked at the teat of public employment when it comes to decision-making, as per Hillary Clinton's defense of her support AND VOTE FOR the Iraq War is somehow equivalent to a citizen's, even Trump's opinion about the Iraq War.

LEGAL IS WORSE THAN GROSS NEGLIGENCE: We believe that Hillary Clinton's email breaches and flouting of law is forgivable and Donald Trump's lawful compliance with tax law is "outrageous."

PRO-WOMAN STOPS WHEN IT CONFLICTS WITH PROTECTING MEN: We believe that Hillary Clinton was NOT a victimizer when it came to Bill Clinton when even the biased pro-Democrat NEW YORK TIMES confided, "Over the years, the Clinton effort to cast doubt on the women included using words like 'floozy,' 'bimbo' and 'stalker,' and raising questions about their motives,"

DISCREDITING YOUR CRITICS IS BETTER THAN IMPROVING YOUR BEHAVIOR: We believe that this decades-long strategy of working to "discredit," those she identifies as threats, specifically in this cite the legions of women connected to Bill Clinton,, is any different from her attempts to discredit Bernie Sanders or Donald Trump or even Barack Obama, expressing her "deep disappointment that he is sending false and discredited mailings with information that is not true to the voters of Ohio," (Clinton 2008).

IT'S OK TO HATE "CERTAIN" AMERICANS: We believe that Hillary Clinton can represent ALL Americans in spite of her "basket of deplorables," and that Donald Trump cannot because of his racy old-school comments about women.

ONLY DEMOCRATS CAN "CHANGE" AND DO BETTER: We believe Hillary Clinton can learn from her mistakes (Sorry for calling you deplorable, sorry for Iraq, Sorry for email system, Sorry the Democrats sabotaged your campaign, Sorry for the "unfortunate impact," of the 1994 crime bill) but that Donald Trump is unchangeable.

EGO IS ONLY ACCEPTABLE IN DEMOCRATIC POLITICIANS: We believe Hillary Clinton when she takes credit for Obamacare (though that's frightening enough since the law is its own muddied mire of misinformation) “It was called Hillarycare before it was called Obamacare" but make fun of Trump for taking credit for choosing Mike Pence as his running mate.

WHO YOU ARE IS WHAT YOU SUPPORT: We believe Hillary Clinton is PRO WOMAN BECAUSE SHE IS A WOMAN though she has no record in her decades of public employment that is pro woman. Similarly, we believe that if a billionaire becomes president he will support the rich though Hillary Clinton who's only worth $111 million we believe will NOT support the rich in defiance of her questionable past with Wall Street.

As Barack Obama also accused, "While I was working on the streets watching those folks see their jobs shift overseas, you were a corporate lawyer sitting on the board of Walmart,"

USING THE WORD "CRAZY" ISN'T HOSTILE BUT USING THE WORD "ILLEGAL" IS: We believe that Hillary Clinton will defend the rights of those with mental illness though she uses the word "crazy" to describe behavior she believes is off, even as recently as in her debate with Trump, snickering all the way.

THERE'S A TWO-FER WITH HILLARY AND BILL CLINTON: In 2008, arguing about who liked Ronald Reagan, Ronald Reagan being a transformative political leader, I did not mention his name." To which Barack Obama responded, "Your husband did." Hillary stated, "I'm here, he's not," to which Obama said, "I can't tell who I'm running against sometimes."

It's a muddled field, but the "truths" emerging from this election season are worrisome as we begin our next chapter.