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Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Why Clinton's and the Democrats' Dirty Little Deals Do Matter: Obamacare

Forget whether we trust the candidates, when it comes to the decades of dirty little deals of Hillary Clinton and the Democrats, it's clear they don't trust us, and that's dangerous for a government that's supposed to be representative. Obamacare is a flagrant example (as are numerous others) of the cost to consumers of the strategy of Dirty Democratic Little Deals.

Obamacare Dirty Little Deal #1, a partnership between government and insurance companies: Obamacare was created by insurance companies and solidified a government-insurance company partnership that has worsened the healthcare crisis in our country. Read: "Health Plans Propose Guaranteed Coverage for Pre-Existing Conditions and Individual Coverage Mandate,” produced by the insurance lobby, AHIP, 2008, two years before the legislation. Instead of Obama glomming credit as a "negotiator," a true evaluation of the law MUST include the fact of that dirty little deal partnership.

Obamacare Dirty Little Deal #2, Embracing Transition of Health Insurance plan into Service Agreement, the Prevention Fallacy:
For those who have bought into the perversion of the concept of health insurance by profit seeking insurance companies devising strategies to get richer that changed the notion of insurance from a consumer financial product designed to cover the unexpected costs of illness or medical need in exchange for payment of premiums into the absurd service contract of "preventive checkups," that leave us physically and financially vulnerable in the event of unexpected medical need because these junk giveaways are "provided" with increased costs to consumers for copayments, coinsurance, deductibles and even higher government-set out of pocket maximums (which have gone up every year).

Obamacare Dirty Little Deal #3, Affordable Refers to Saving Payers like Government and Insurance companies' money NOT consumers: Logically, since we know that the prices we're charged for medical services and care are up we also know there's something fishy about all the government bragging that talks about "savings". Sure enough we find that government stopped counting what it spends on administering Obamacare (infrastructure, new employees) but has managed to save what it spends per person on paying claims which we now know was accomplished with old-time insurance tricks, less coverage, more out of pocket expenses, narrower networks. Would've been good if we knew what "affordable" was referring to.

Obamacare Dirty little Deal #4, Public Employees Aren't bound by Obamacare: Public employees wriggled free of Obamacare by their "employee" status (employees of government) therefore their "employer" (the federal government )offers them great health insurance off our backs since up to 72 percent of their premiums are paid by citizens. Neither Republicans nor Democrats intend to lead by example exposing themselves to the laws they pass and instead perpetuate that their benefits that we pay for are far superior to those available to people in the private sector,

Obamacare Dirty Little Deal #5: Obamacare Tradeoffs, Cut Unemployment, Cut Food Stamps, Cut COLA increases in Social Security, Increase Payroll Tax, Increase Out of Pocket Maximums, Raise Threshold for Medical Expense Deduction from 7.5 percent of income to 10 percent: That's a lot of tradeoffs to cover the at-most number of enrollees in Obamacare entitlements which this year is 11.1 million.

Social Security: In 40 years there have been three years where older Americans received no COLA, cost of living adjustment on social security payments and they've all occurred under Obama--2010, 2011, 2015, Suddenly, the largest generation to date of working individuals who paid into our social security system are facing an old age of deprivation and begrudging minimum payments with no cost of living adjustment.

Compare the government's shortage of money to provide sustenance to social security with its endless dollars to go to court and win the right to spend more on Obamacare entitlement payments--That's what King v. Burwell did defeating a plaintiff who didn't want Obamacare entitlement payments.

With enormous increases in insurance plans this year, idiots like NPR are bragging that the government will pick up that tab to for the 11.1 million entitlement recipients,

Obamacare Dirty little Deal #6, Expanded Medicaid only got six million more people coverage, from the 47 million uninsured sell point of view this is failure and when considered with Obamacare's creation of the family glitch that affects between two and four million, it's total failure. Six million more Americans on Medicaid than before Obamacare--, the family glitch created by Obamacare affects between two and four million Americans,

Dirty Little Deal #7: Repeal or Fix Amounts to the Same thing, changing the law: Clinton wants to let anyone "regardless of immigration status" to be able to enroll in Obamacare plans. That would be a direct change of the BASIS of Obamacare, that it only covers legally present individuals. It also worsens the situation for tax-paying citizens because 85 percent of enrollees get government entitlement payments which would increase every taxpayer's costs. Kaine noted that lifting the payroll tax cap would be one method of getting more money for the government (which Obama did too by letting previous payroll tax cap lapse).

Clinton also intends to provide a $5,000 tax credit to Obamacare plan,, which would cost more money from reduced tax revenues from enrollees. This also flies in the face of Obamacare which RELIES on increased tax revenues including those taxes it charges to people who fail to purchase the consumer health insurance product of health insurance. Call it an addition, call it a replacement provision, it changes the law.

Clinton also plans to use Obamacare's mental health coverage to back-door gun control: We're going to get gun control sold to us as "caring for those with mental illness," as Clinton advocates the erosion of doctor-patient confidentiality and supports providing immunity for mental health providers to notify the federal government about their patients to create a national database that will be used to assess whether those individuals should get gun licenses.