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Tuesday, November 29, 2016

If Trump Loses Control of Obamacare Change Things Could Get Worse

Donald Trump must avoid the Obama lie by half-truth, especially as he maneuvers an Obamacare repeal. Trump promised to trim the Federal government AND repeal Obamacare, and the two are intertwined. Public employee benefits have surged under Obama as private sector benefits have been eroded and cannibalized to the point where the government brags about the benefits given public employees, financed by our tax dollars: “The government provides its employees with a first-class benefits package. In fact, studies conducted by the Bureau of Labor Statistics reveal that the gap concerning benefits between the private and public sectors has been growing-in favor of the public sector,”

This is where Trump must be cautious, because he's got the unanimously supported by other public employees, Paul Ryan as Speaker of the House, with his long history of losing yet Extremist Republican Tea Party politics and Trump's also got his promises that earned him the position he's in to be more MODERATE than the Tea Partiers.

Dredging up and recycling Paul Ryan is not good news for Trump, from Ryan's non-support of Trump during the campaign to Ryan's extreme ideas for budgeting and cuts that never seem to touch himself as a long-time public mooch enjoying the pension, benefits and payoffs paid for by the American people who support his benefits even has he slashes Medicare and Medicaid.

Further, Paul Ryan expands this pathetic and repeatedly rejected by the American people idea for Medicare and "Obamacare's replacement," a series of viciously depriving laws for Americans even as the Republican public employees milk citizens dry.

It is of immediate importance that Paul Ryan, and his decades long alliance with and candidacy with Mitt Romney, should be a consideration in rejecting Mitt Romney, another vocal Trump criticizer and why Romney should be omitted from positions of influence. Their [Romney and Ryan] losing tag-team of a decades' long political alliance, was not something that America then or now is ready for.

So for Trump, consumers must watch. Any change to Obamacare must begin with a specified and specific provision that there will no longer be the Obamacare out that under Obama's Administration was available for public employees. Instead, consumers must insist that we, the governed and the payers of public employees' benefits NOT be obliged to participate in an austerity not imposed on the public employees we support.