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Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Swamp 1-Trump 0: Paul Ryan

If Trump wants to feed the RATIONAL fears of Democrats, an alliance with the losing politics of Paul Ryan and his fellow public employee Republicans is the way to do it, because Paul Ryan is the poster person of the worst of the "new" conservatives who abandoned any vision of America besides some backwards, warped remake of America they've pursued off the public dime.

If Donald Trump's idea of working with means bowing to the very Republicans who have unanimously kept Paul Ryan going, a public employee milking the government budget even as he's proposed slashing any government benefits to citizens in a hypocrisy that's made him a national loser even before his weak-willed lukewarm non-commitment to Donald Trump oozed from his cowardly pores then Democrats will be correct, Donald Trump will fail.

This is why repeal of the bad law of Obamacare should NOT be partnered with REPLACE with the Republican "plan," nor should any other legislation be rushed into, because the brutality of these public-funds sucking throwbacks is the very swamp those who took a chance on Donald Trump hoped to to drain, for a revival of a meaningful two-party system and a balancing out of the Democratic extremism enabled by the Republican extremism.

So the worries are real. If Paul Ryan's plans go through then Donald Trump must first require that the public-taxpayer dollar sucking public employee Republicans must lead by example, whether it's health insurance, their pensions, their old-age money that they've paid in (which is Medicare, a paid-in contribution from workers in America). Start there. No loopholes, no nonsense.

Repeal of Obamacare is not the problem. After all, Obamacare slashed Medicare as well, though it did it Obama style, slitting the throats of seniors through proposals for "reductions in future spending of Medicare," naturally never admitting that this will cut the availability of medical care to seniors much as cutting available options of care to insureds wasn't discussed. Even Politifact had to admit, "It’s possible that some beneficiaries could experience additional costs, reductions in service, or fewer hospitals that accept Medicare," which should obviously indicate not possible but 100 percent for sure what Obamacare created,

There's another real problem in terms of swamp: Donald Trump intends to add money to the military and to improve Veteran benefits, another entitlement program. If he does that by robbing citizens, including those who have paid into Medicare their whole lives, it will be an intolerable mistake. This one should worry people since Donald Trump already spoke of giving vets the option of seeing anyone they choose if they can't see a provider in five days--perhaps reasonable compared to the superior benefits given to civilian public employees in the federal government, but far superior to what the rest of America gets.

One of the biggest problems with Obamacare was its carveouts for preferential treatment through entitlements that at best benefited 9.4 to 11.1 million people in the US and that gouged the already depleted wallets of those who paid for those benefits. It would be a catastrophic sign of a lame-duck presidency from the start if Trump rushes into pleasing the very people who were displeased with him because they are the swamp.