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Friday, December 16, 2016

Public Employees Got a Raise--Obama's Myopia

For the holiday season, Obama's doing what he's done so well during his term, protecting pockets of government workers as the ONLY surviving middle class in this country, offering non-public employee workers in the private sector up as sacrifice and leaving the former backbone of America struggling. Ever sympathetic to public employees living off our money, the President gave a 2.1 percent raise to public employees (instead of the publicized 1.6 percent), even as enrollment in Obamacare plans that are up 22 percent this year draws to a close.

Never mind that under Obama the gap between rich and poor in this country has never been bigger (, never mind that under Obama our costs for employee premiums has gone up 24 percent (as of 2015) and 67 percent for how much more we have to pay before insurance kicks in, TIME, Here’s How Much the Average American Worker Has to Pay for Health Care, Kara Brandeisky, 9/22/2015. Never mind that we have the lowest labor force participation since 1978 (Politifact, 1/26/2014) even as long-term unemployment benefits were slashed and food stamp programs were slashed.

It's the stark weakness of a myopic ideologue, a President who could lecture Americans on granting amnesty to UNDOCUMENTED individuals whose list of crimes associated with their persistent cheating in being here include things from false IDs to failure to pay taxes, to more serious crimes of driving without licenses even as under Obamacare, Americans who failed to PURCHASE a consumer financial product of health insurance are facing bigger fines each year.

It's the same President who boasted of the oft-restated number of individuals who got government entitlement money because their incomes fell within Obamacare requirements even as he ignored the poorest who were merely exempted from having to pay a fine (because after all they couldn't) and proudly listed those in the most need like the homeless, victims of domestic violence, those whose utilities had been turned off, or those who were evicted as "EXEMPT" from the Obamacare fine.

It's the same President whose Administration allowed public employees to avoid Obamacare by using the "federal government as employer and that employer gives good benefits" excuse ignoring that WE pay for those superior public employee benefits even as our options dwindle and cost more, even as between two and four million working Americans cannot afford health insurance for their families because of the family glitch and are ineligible for Obamacare because their employers offer them insurance.

This is the legacy of a President who ignores America EXCEPT government workers nd America's worse for it. Hopefully, the resounding defeat of these hypocrisies that have devastated American lives will echo not only in the seemingly deaf ears of Democrats, but Republicans as the next year begins. Paul Ryan, the Republican Obama, pro-government perks at the expense of paid-in programs by American citizens like Medicare, is the biggest NEW YEAR THREAT. For consumers, don't let him off the hook and remind President Trump about his promise to drain the swamp--It begins with public employees living in OUR world, not creating their own.