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Sunday, March 5, 2017

Fear Factor: Fear of Trump is Used to Preserve Obamacare

Talk about lost in the weeds. Consumers had better stop being pawns in the Democrats' relentless "Be afraid of the Bogeyman," approach to Republicans or we're apt to not only believe the lies of the Democrats, but be asleep at the wheel to anti-consumer policies of the Republicans, sadly, and importantly the health insurance policies Congress tends to lay out that we foolishly bought into as Obamacare's architects stated because we're "stupid," and believed the line of crap dripping out of the President's mouth. If you're offended by my description of line of crap, find a better word for lying about each of us saving $2,500 a year, keeping our own doctors, having the same choice as Obama's family, having "affordable" health coverage and the imaginary single risk pool.

And so now we have the "Russian" issue and Democrats' riding that horse as far as it will take them to keep people afraid, not because they believe it, because it boosts the only aspect of their campaign and Obama's presidency that ever worked with voters: Be afraid, without us you're doomed. But it's time to retire that nonsense the same as it's long past time to start putting Obama onto the shelves of history.

The Russian upshot so far--Not much. Even the pro-Democrat Politifact, in a long-winded LIST OF RUMORS report by Lauren Carroll, has had to reluctantly list everything they present as "maybes" with disclaimers, nothing proven, unnamed sources, all mentioned even as they still print this unverified non-information.

Yet this morning Democrats are OUTRAGED that President Trump referred to attempts to wiretap him as a private citizen, even though, again, even the strongest pro-Democrat stooges like Vox admit that there were attempts made by the FBI to investigate Trump and "We don't yet know the investigation's full scope."

So, the people responsible for the shameless, baseless allegations of unproven smear directed towards President Trump in a failed presidency's attempt to push through how good it was under the Democrats and how scary Republicans are which failed to trick the American people into voting for more of the same is doing the same old thing--Our baseless allegations are meaningful, yours (and in the case of Trump they're not baseless) are dismissed. Perhaps this is what we should be afraid of.

And when it comes to Obamacare, the same strategy is flying--It'll be scarier and worse if we do anything besides Obamacare. At this point, instead of feeding the stupidity, since the facts of Obamacare belie it's assertions of "success," a little attention to the scarier parts of the Republican proposal is warranted and its scariest provisions that coincidentally are ones that mimic Obamacare.

Continuous coverage is the Republican term for what is the Democrats' individual mandate (except Republicans offer a private version, allowing health insurance companies to overcharge and PENALIZE anyone for a lapse in coverage).

A TAX CREDIT to pay for health insurance whether it's the Democrats' form of advance payment of tax credit, essentially a voucher, or the Republicans' scheme should be replaced by vouchers, an idea floated many years ago that was unappealing when we still believed that the Democrats were proposing a health insurance bill based on public health concerns rather than government savings concerns that gave us the Obamacare obscene partnership between government and insurance companies that produced Obamacare.

The easy money low-hanging fruit of wellness revenue from forced checkups to screening to gathering info for insurers that erode ERISA's former protections for employees being forced to submit to employer health info gathering remains part of the health industrial complex and government goals of distracting us from our reduced input and choices for our own care and more importantly the fact, not the guess, the fact that currently our healthcare system often DROPS the sickest patients, the non-low hanging easy money fruit either through the increased costs under insurance from Obamacare in the form of increased premium, copay and coinsurance requirements and the CMS 2015 policy that chooses to PAY providers to tell people that some options to save their lives aren't worth trying, including financially, euphemistically called end of life counseling.

There's also no mention of going after the money wasted by government in fraudulent payments (which Donald Trump originally promised), nor is there talk of getting those government hypocrites who have superior health benefits as employees of the federal government using our money to pay for up to 72 percent of their benefits, to comply with the laws they're making for us.

There is a truth that emerged from Obamacare and from Obama's presidency: Since the government wants to play doctor so badly that they want to meddle in everyone's health by creeping dangerously close to crossing the classic insurance company strategy of avoiding claims of practicing medicine without a license, "We're not saying you will or won't get care, we're just saying we won't pay for it," then they'd better also take the oath of doctors, which would have been nice if Obama had been forced to take before his policymaking frenzy--First, do no harm.