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Monday, July 31, 2017

The Dirty Little Congressional Secret: Health Insurance Reform is not about Citizens

The federal government wants to take in our money and provide less, just like insurance companies. That's the dirty little secret that the clarification of Affordable in Obama's Affordable Care Act revealed to a dismayed and betrayed citizenry that then and now was supported by Republicans, whose only goal was to make the take from citizens more beneficial for their own government class by paying out even less by breaking the promises of Social Security and Medicare to citizens whose lifetime of paying into such programs has been a popular target of the government's class Democratic and Republican attempts to slash "entitlements" other than their own.

It's been a pretty open secret that that was the goal, but Obama was a good liar and "sold" Obamacare with deception, including his oft-repeated well-known lies of savings to families, keeping your doctor, health insurance like his family has health insurance, etc. etc.

The Republicans are trying to do it with deception, and failing, for two main reasons. The first is Obamacare, the fool me once adage that every American with half a brain is thinking about as we listen to the thinly clad furtherance of ripping us off under Obamacare's Republican version. The second reason is we're onto them, the government class is following the practice of their partners under Obamacare and is trying to use this insurance formula for paid in government benefits--Pay less, charge more.

[Naturally, with the bookkeeping formulae that limit the government from "profiting" the zero balance notion that these accounts should not carry forward money, the government has to spend down or spend elsewhere all the money that should've come to the people who are now old enough to collect on their promise.}

For instance, it takes little for us to realize that calling the individual mandate (a money penalty for breaks in insurance coverage) continuous coverage, as the Republicans do, is the same thing for our purposes, a money penalty imposed on individuals for breaks in coverage.

Then there's the Republicans bizarre continuation of payouts to and partnership with insurance companies that partnered our alleged representatives in government, for after all, neither the President nor Congress is employed for any reason besides our voting them in, betraying any concept of duty to us by our government representatives. "Bizarre," because who would have ever thought selling insurance companies as victims to the very people they victimize, us, would catch on.

The Republicans have their own "insurance company rescue," that out-stupids the betrayal of Obamacare's insurance company bribes (risk corridors, reinsurance and readjustment) because those Obamacare bribes have already ended (the reason insurers pulled out of exchange plans) and Republicans are resurrecting them.

President Obama was an awesome example of what a President can do TO a citizenry--increased taxes, stagnant wages, fewer benefits from Food Stamps to Medicaid, to Medicare, while using increased government dollars to replace a citizen middle class with a public employee middle class. President Obama is the benchmark of a corrupt government class and Congress, the eager lapdogs behind, lecturing America on how they must slash "entitlements," the word used for the forced, compelled payments into government programs to finance our old age, our neediest times while preserving their public employee benefits including job security, pensions, and benefits all paid for by us and all untouched by their Obama era draconian measures.

So, President Trump hasn't failed with health insurance reform because the ghastly fat-and-happy Republican and Democratic public employees of Congress remain committed to slashing benefits for the citizens who pay for their entitlements. But President Trump is wandering from what he promised and though he can't singlehandedly get rid of Obamacare for us, he could well be using his power to get rid of the entitlements of the government class.

President Trump should be focused with laser precision on extracting, removing and doing away with, permanently the out-of-date benefits that continue to protect the government class even as they're being eroded for all other Americans. It is outrageous that public employees should retain such rich benefits off our backs, including their health benefits for which they steal our tax dollars to pay up to 72 percent of their premiums through the magic ripoff language that makes the federal government their employer that just happens to provide the public employees with great benefits. Nonsense. Write a law and live with it the same as us, that's our only protection against today's public employees.

What Congress wants is to keep our taxpayer dollars and to break any promise of government to its citizenry whether it's Medicare, Social Security, Medicaid all while preserving their own benefits. It's been pretty obvious from the start and now is crystal clear as the lack of a plan Republicans are impotently wagging their tongues and their promises while preserving their own health benefits.

This is why replace won't work--The government class doesn't want to replace Obamacare, they want to make its ripoff measures even worse and follow in the footsteps of Obamacare. Peppering the con with the language of exhuming or channeling the spirits of Ronald Reagan or Adam Smith for that matter, or the idiotic claims of free markets (have you looked at how insurance is regulated? No wonder billions are spent in lobbying for laws that favor insurance companies, hardly "free market") only highlights what Obama proved--Our representative government is run by babyish, spoiled nitwits who are using their position to leach off the American people's benefits for their own benefit. This Trump should be focusing on and is not and that part of the Obamacare repeal-replace scam, President Trump owns.