Donald Trump is REACTING instead of being proactive and framing the issues for this election. Take the "show your taxes" issue that voters are currently being distracted by in media stories talking about what COULD be in Trump's taxes.
What we've heard from Trump is that he's under audit and therefore won't reveal his tax returns. Would you?
After all, in an audit the IRS is scrutinizing your tax forms, you've hired professionals to not only prepare your taxes but defend how they've prepared your taxes. Do you really want to open that up to the world so that every accounting student, every hostile accountant, every armchair financier in the world can put their two cents into your representatives' defense of the professional work they've done for you BEFORE there is an outcome?
Would you want your defense attorney to share how he or she plans to defend you BEFORE your court case?
How about if you had overwhelming evidence of a governmental cheat of two different kinds of treatment, one that bends over backwards and twists itself into pretzels to accommodate Democrats and one that operates against Republicans? And if you're tempted to consider that question false, as Democrats are apt to, consider…
The 2013 IRS scandal story that resulted in "no charges filed," against Democratic government employee but that did result in the resignation of Lois Lerner (Acting Director of Exempt Organizations) in the face of the reveal that conservative groups were treated worse than other groups, "Newly recovered Lois Lerner email shows IRS tried to cover up tea party targeting,"
The 2016 Clinton email scandal that despite evidence of wrongdoing and sloppy doing and lying that Hillary Clinton also got a pass from the DOJ that decided to abdicate its role to FBI Director Comey after the Attorney General cozied up to Bill Clinton in an "accidental meeting" and one of the few answers she gave in her testimony was that she WOULD consider a job under President Hillary Clinton? "F.B.I. Findings Damage Many of Hillary Clinton’s Claims,", Steven Lee Myers, July 5, 2016?
How about if you knew that NOT revealing information, like Hillary Clinton's missing tens of thousands of emails was chosen as a strategy by Hillary Clinton as preferable to DEFENDING what was in those emails?
Most voters are aware of the potential abuses of sharing information--Democrats have made it a repeated strategy, justifying NOT sharing for any number of reasons. Donald Trump doesn't do his own taxes, he hires people--Same excuse used by Hillary Clinton for abdicating responsibility for the Benghazi nightmare that resulted in not only false reporting but the deaths of individuals.
Donald Trump is under no obligation to reveal his tax returns, just like Hillary Clinton picks and chooses what she reveals, after all, we've never been treated to her paid speeches with Wall Street firms.
Donald Trump likely paid a lot less in taxes based on current law opportunities that have created our world where since President Obama took charge the GAP between rich and poor is the largest ever--even Democrats acknowledge this though after all these years they still find a way to blame others, "The Wealth Gap Between Rich And Poor Is The Widest Ever Recorded,"
Ask yourself the question--Would you reveal your taxes while under audit in today's world? Do you believe your professional adviser would advise such a course of action?
As an advocate for healthcare reform, I'd like to see this issue dropped. I'd like to address Hillary Clinton's "expansion" plans for Obamacare that in truth are really new provisions for the massive law, specifically contrary to the promises of this President and the provisions of this law that it DOES NOT cover illegals yet also as early as 2009 indicated he would do what he did in 2014 by executive order granting illegals amnesty to get them "legal" so that they could participate in Obamacare.
In 2009, the Washington Times reported, "Obama: Legalize illegals to get them health care," Stephen Dinan, 9/18/2009,, "President Obama said this week that his health care plan won’t cover illegal immigrants, but argued that’s all the more reason to legalize them and ensure they eventually do get coverage."
And in 2014, "Obama offers amnesty to 5 million illegal immigrants, defies GOP," Dave Boyer, 11/20/2014, The Washington Times,
We're being played and distracted and Donald Trump is helping by letting Democrats frame the conversation.