Obamacare is a law designed to protect and reduce medical payments made on behalf of an insured, whether that payout is coming from the government under an entitlement program such as Veterans' benefits, Medicare, or Medicaid, or from an insurance company. This fundamental goal of saving PAYERS money makes Obamacare a clear partner with insurance companies and lobbyists in the GOTCHA approach to healthcare, and as an unapologetic supporter, sorry, Hillary Clinton's health records are up for grabs OR she must make proposals to protect ALL Americans from what she herself will not comply with.
Sure, candidates aren't compelled to reveal their medical records, but just like the rest of us under Obamacare,
-we're not forced to purchase the financial product of health insurance but we'll be fined and penalized if we don't,
-we're not forced to participate in employer employee screenings by health insurance companies, but we'll be penalized, charged a surcharge if we don't, we're not forced to be complicit in a physician's efforts to practice defensive medicine, for their own financial protection, but we risk being "dropped" if we don't,
-we're not "forced" to have electronic health records, but since providers are paid by Obamacare for creating health records online, we'll likely have to find a new provider if we don't, Hillary Clinton, as the pro-Obamacare fangirl she is should happily open up her health records or else MODIFY her proposals for keeping and expanding Obamacare, or face another big hit to her trustworthiness status.
If Hillary Clinton won't comply, she too should face the consequences she supports for the rest of us.
Sure, Hillary's team went ballistic when Dr. Drew, stated he was, "…gravely concerned not just about her health but health care," http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2016/08/18/dr-drew-leads-the-clinton-health-truthers.html. Naturally, Clinton fans tried to spin that one by making the issue an "anti-woman" issue, asserting, "But it’s certainly telling that so many people are willing to believe that a woman with so much political strength must be physically weak."
Not the point for consumers who understand that a Clinton administration will be treated to her proposals for gun control, https://www.hillaryclinton.com/issues/gun-violence-prevention/, where mental health providers will be turned into de facto government agents, able to report to the government with impunity (no violation of confidentiality) on their concerns about their patients' mental health for purposes of keeping guns out of the "wrong" hands.
Really not the point after Hillary Clinton and President Obama, not physicians but playing them on TV deemed Donald Trump "UNFIT," Obama doing it in a spectacularly inappropriate venue at an international press conference. Further, there's been no discouragement of individuals labeling Donald Trump as the medically charged words of a sociopath or a narcissist. In this environment, yes, Hillary Clinton has opened the door to any discussion of her physical health and its potential impact on her mental competence.
Similarly, Hillary Clinton might argue on behalf of her own privacy, but again, she could not credibly do so while embracing and expanding Obamacare. After all, patient privacy has never been in more jeopardy from health record hacks, (eg PBS NEWSHOUR, Nsikan Akpan, March 23, 2016, "Has health care hacking become an epidemic?")
One might think that in the context of privacy and revealing her own health records Hillary Clinton might consider her attachment to Obama's Obamacare and proposing a moratorium on Obamacare's money payouts to providers who create electronic health records and are financially incentivized to force their patients and practices to use such health records in lieu of the stunningly inadequate protections for EHRs evidenced by the breaches and hacks that "Based this list from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the health care industry has averaged close to four data breaches per week in 2016 so far," http://www.pbs.org/newshour/updates/has-health-care-hacking-become-an-epidemic/.
But no, Hillary Clinton only wants a carveout for her privacy and omits proposals to change the Obamacare money payments to providers that implement electronic health records and forcing patients to sign up ignoring the tremendous and proven risks to privacy.
Privacy erosion under Obamacare, from hacking of electronic health records to the financial guarantees providers require including demanding same-day payments, to employers being able to charge a surcharge on health premiums for employees who don't consent to in-office wellness screenings, to gun control measures that propose making mental health providers federal government "agents" reporting on the mental health status of individuals that could be used to deny gun permits, to the payments physicians receive for advising patients on whether they believe treating them is "worth" it under end of life counseling provisions, we live in the Obamacare/insurance company world of GOTCHA and Hillary Clinton may not like it but cannot as an Obamacare fangirl avoid it.
Gotcha Obamacare and insurance policies are based on financial interest--the need-to-know justification of insurers that if they're supposed to cover and pay for it, then they have a right to know it--all of it. Similarly, employers get to impose such invasions of privacy if they're paying for health insurance. Guess who pays for Hillary Clinton's health insurance? That's us. Therefore, once again, there should be no carveout for the woman who advocates perpetuating and expanding GOTCHA coverage--She must reveal it all.