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Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Obama: Ignoring Health Services Industry Crisis

The speech of last night was disappointing because Obama has left health services...higher insurance rates for less, less insurance for all, no insurance for some, no mandates that the "millions" saved through technology be passed onto consumers though doctors are eligible for increased payments if they incorporate technology. For Obama, the politician's goal of ponying out some Obama's case four million jobs created POTENTIALLY has been used to betray his promise that was the key reason many voters chose him to begin with.

No mention of trimming government jobs (because of course they will expand), no mention of suspending the pork program of government benefits and forcing civil servants to live in the same medical services environment as those they "serve."

Obama's a smart guy, why the stupidity of a lukewarm stimulus plan? Because he is hitting the ground running and fears most of all that people will say he's doing nothing. He said it flat out. But bad action is worse than no action and the game of politics is afoot. Today we'll listen to Geithner, a man who belongs in jail and ineligible for any government job let alone Treasury Secretary. Who else choked when Obama addressed the Leahy plan to prosecute Bush administrators and Obama answered that those who broke the law should be prosecuted...except our Treasury Secretary.

And those infrastructure projects? Did anyone hear about restrictions going to be placed on all the companies bidding for and obtaining those little projects regarding the use of illegal immigrant employees? Creating four million jobs that are off the books and paying people who are outside the system? And of course prosecutions of employers breaking the law will also go down because nobody wants to risk that employers don't employ their few legal employees in the construction business.

And health insurance issues? Oh Obama. He stepped into the party ready to dance and didn't learn the steps first.

Health Insurance: Keep it Simple: President Obama knows this plan won't work and he knows that it is scratching an itch with a feather but he didn't take time to sit down and let his adrenaline calm down. He thinks doing something is better than nothing and he's wrong because this something is bad. Keep it Simple Today and think about what is actually being "done".