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Thursday, May 30, 2013

Young Adults and Increased Insurance Costs

I hate what the President has done and continues to do to the middle class, as a disclosure right up front. I think his vision of improving the lot of the poor has most dramatically been accomplished by cannibalizing the private sector middle class.

However, I also hate the fact that he exploited campaign style to effectively con young adults into his vision of feeling good about what they're doing for the country and the world, and blah, blah, blah, while having left them spinning in the wind with tremendous unemployment, flooding the job market with newly "legalized" illegal aliens in their age group, and a healthcare policy that is about to be a rude awakening for young adults in 2014.

Why the increase? For young people, above the levels established for Medicaid eligibility, although those levels will be expanded to include more young people in states that adopted Affordable Care's optional Medicaid expansion, insurance companies are adopting a change in the traditional 5:1 rule that allowed them to charge older people five times as much in premiums as younger adults based on the increased needs statistically supported for increased medical care in older people and mandates that those standards are now 3:1, no more than three times more can be charged to older citizens than younger citizens.

What this means for you if you're younger is that like the middle class, you are being Obamasized, in order to control premium rates for older citizens, younger citizens will be charged more, a lot more. It's important to be aware that this increase should be considered in your next year's budget.

What can you do? The options are always the same when it comes to insurance coverage, purchase worse insurance coverage or purchase good insurance coverage with a higher deductible, which, after all is worse insurance coverage. Otherwise, you'll be facing sticker shock next benefits season.

As a side note, I object to the arbitrary inclusion of age discrimination in Obamacare, since other significant contributors to insurance expenses have been "outlawed" by Obamacare leaving ONLY age and tobacco use as codified permissible separate standards for charging automatic premium increases. However, in this context, I do feel for the young people, because they've been scammed, and they need to get ahead of the curve and prepare for the upcoming benefits season.