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Tuesday, March 29, 2016

3/28/2016: Obama accidentally tells us what's wrong with Obamacare…What's True and What's Not

President Obama has never shied from moral lecturing to citizens and did not deviate from this behavior when he spoke on March 28, 2016 at the Toner Prize for Excellence in Political Reporting in Washington.

Notably and easy to find by search, the President said, "When our elected officials and political campaigns become entirely untethered to reason and facts and analysis, when it doesn’t matter what is true and what’s not, that makes it all but impossible for us to make decisions on behalf of future generations," accidentally summarizing what's been a basic problem with Obamacare--"…when it doesn't matter what is true and what's not."

Obamacare's very conception was based on trickery, with little to no mention that the proposals that became Obamacare were outlined pretty thoroughly BY INSURANCE COMPANIES in their AHIP insurance lobby report entitled, "Health Plans Propose Guaranteed Coverage for Pre-Existing Conditions and Individual Coverage Mandate."

Obamacare's justifications were based on what's not true--Health insurance is NOT healthcare and health insurance does not in of itself promote healthcare UNLESS it functions as a product that overcomes PRICE BARRIERS to obtaining health care--the QUALITY of the COVERAGE matters.

Unfortunately, the President's belligerent repetition of the big lie that health insurance improves health, in defiance of and ignoring the FACT that health insurance improves health only IF it enables individuals to obtain needed healthcare by overcoming the financial barriers to obtaining health CARE is THE REASON that the significant problems of lousy insurance coverage, underinsurance, defensive medicine testing and forced wellness testing used by providers for their protection that put patients through a veritable diagnostic wringer before being treated for even the most common of ailments, balance billing, and the staggering increases in copayments, coinsurance and high-deductible plans in addition to the costs of premiums were not only left in place under Obamacare, but codified into law by Obamacare.

The challenges to obtaining needed healthcare are greater since Obamacare because what were previously labeled "problems" that created our "healthcare crisis" were codified into law that now needs to be changed to prevent further brutalization of Americans from these practices.

Bedazzled by "enrollment," the stat that is relevant for INSURANCE companies that was put forth by insurance companies as the justification for the individual mandate and was eagerly adopted by Obamacare because supposedly with larger numbers of people buying their product we'd pay the ransom to keep insurers from raising prices, which naturally hasn't worked, Obamacare did not only "…make[s] it all but impossible for us to make decisions on behalf of future generations…" as the President lamented but made it impossible for us to make GOOD decisions on behalf of future generations.

Obama paid the ransom--his efforts included forcing us to purchase a product that many people had OPTED OUT OF because EVEN AFTER PAYING FOR IT we found that we faced financial peril in the face of needed healthcare services. Instead of focusing on IMPROVING the insurance product, insurers, under Obamacare are now assured that the government accomplice will assist them in getting customers by penalizing citizens who don't buy their product.

But insurers still aren't happy. Their rates are still climbing. The payments from consumers in the form of high deductibles, copayments and coinsurance are still climbing. They're once again threatening to raise prices. Hillary Clinton's plan is to drum up another ransom payment, more paying customers by allowing illegal immigrants to buy into Obamacare.

In his latest moral lecture, the President inadvertently explained what's going on in the US--We're all living with his policies, which all too often like Obamacare, injure the American people because they are a product of "…our elected officials and political campaigns becom[ing] entirely untethered to reason and facts and analysis…"