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Monday, November 25, 2013

How the President is “Getting Things Done”

I actually cringe when our President takes to the airwaves. An ideologue he couches his “plans” in words that talk about high values and lofty goals, and then we get to the reality of what he is willing to do to get something passed.

Obamacare is our strongest argument in favor of putting off the President’s next big idea. This blog has highlighted the expense and flaws of the entitlement created for some Americans at the expense of other non-Federal middle class Americans in order for the President to boast that HE got healthcare reform.

Today I looked at about a five-minute long YouTube speech by Ted Kennedy, a lifelong advocate for the passage of healthcare reform. (You can search Ted Kennedy 2008 healthcare reform.) Significantly he talked about the superior healthcare access and quality that members of Congress had as Federal employees because they had the best healthcare plan options out there. He advocated that every American have that same option to superior health insurance coverage even though we’re excluded from the superior benefits packages given to Federal employees at an affordable cost because they're partially funded at OUR expense as taxpayers.

Yet Obama did what Ted Kennedy and his years of effort could not, he got Obamacare passed. But why? The answer is increasingly clear, because what Obama did was not healthcare reform for citizens of the United States but merely creation of another entitlement program funded in part by federal dollars obtained by raiding Medicare and shoving mandatory insurance down the throats of citizens and allowing insurers to raise expenses for anyone outside this entitlement group in order to say that he passed “reform.” In short, it was a deal that a politician who cared about the cause would likely not have been willing to pass because of problems such as those we're seeing unfold. (Ted Kennedy was dead by 2009, before Obamacare.)

Regarding his new Iran agreement, there are at least some who know that the same can be said,that lifting sanctions, giving Iran a pass and trusting in their compliance, is inadvisable according to many wise leaders. But Obama's all about getting it done at any cost. But this issue becomes how much more can we take in order to satisfy Obama's checklist?

Today is immigration reform. Let the buyer beware. The President wants amnesty, another quick, ill-thought out approach to solving a problem that leaders before him did not. He says he does not, he argues he will not but take a look, the only action taken to date has been his executive order giving exactly that, amnesty. Redefining illegals as legals, poof no more problem.

But there is a pathologically repetitive part of the President’s personality, and that is that he redefines the problem to push through his own solutions. By defining our healthcare crisis as a problem of not having people insured, Obamacare is all in on getting people to buy insurance (if you're poor and out of work, good luck). But this overly simplistic approach omitted the significant parts of our healthcare crisis that prevented comprehensive healthcare reform for decades before this particular ego took office, and that is that COSTS of our healthcare services are what made the cost of insurance products rise and that the combined skyrocketing costs of medical services and treatments and medications and skyrocketing costs of health insurance made neither available to many citizens.

Similarly with Iran, temporary appeasement will be discussed as historical steps by the President, simply because wiser people than the President knew that appeasement did not have good historical evidence for support.

And now immigration. Barely do we hear the term illegal alien anymore. Instead these lawbreakers by the millions are compared to other “immigrants” who came into this country lawfully, or compared to those who await entry into this country lawfully.

Immigration reform is stymied because Republicans are too cowardly to attach meaningful sanctions including the cost of deporting their illegal workers to employers who save money by knowingly hiring illegals and because Democrats are trying to make legal immigration and immigrants some kind of equivalent with illegals.

We have technology with meaningful accuracy for tackling the problem, it’s called E-Verify. What we don’t have are Republicans willing to hang liability on the people at fault, employers scoffing the law to save themselves a buck by hiring illegals, nor Democrats willing to be honest enough to distinguish between US citizens and those who are illegally in this country.

We need to hire American and hire those lawfully in America. Sweeping amnesty will NOT improve our economy. Beware the next set of lies Obama-style, doing something that wiser minds have discarded after determining options to be incomplete, potentially ineffective, or impossible to sustain and then claiming victory at the expense of American citizens.