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Thursday, March 10, 2016

Phony Patriotism and Cannibalizing "Entitlements": Obamacare

The squeezing of Americans must stop--which means taking entitlements off the table when it comes to government's plan for reducing the deficit. Why? Because government will simply spend the money elsewhere as Obamacare proves--the deficit is up 108 percent under this President.

Even if we all drink the fanboy/fangirl Kool-Aid and take the government at its word that as the White House States Obamacare is "Deficit-Reducing Health Care Reform" and accept this pseudo-patriotic justification for cannibalizing the security of Americans who benefit under entitlement programs like Veterans benefits, Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security or Obamacare, Obamacare has and continues to prove that the willingness to throw citizens under the bus in the spirit of this phony patriotism doesn't work--the deficit is up 108 percent under this President.

The stubborn fact is that if we accept all the "Obamacare is working," lies, including the "deficit reducing" lie, and we continue to consent to the citizen sacrifice of being forced to purchase a financial product (health insurance), continue to consent to paying more for healthcare, continue to jump through more procedural barriers to obtain healthcare, consent to watching our payroll taxes increase, consent to strategies that decide whether our chance at life-saving care is "worth it," then we're not only going to sacrifice our citizens, but we're doing it for NO REASON AT ALL. The deficit is up 108 percent under this President.

We've been manipulated into the ethical ugliness and eugenics based goals of "perfecting" humans by blaming the sick for being sick, into blaming the old for getting older, into blaming the dying for doggedly pursuing any possibility of treatment for survival, for blaming the poor for needing help in paying for medical services, for blaming those who suffer with eating disorders, or addictions for their addictions and for what? The deficit is UP 108 percent under this President.

Even if we STRIP every "entitlement" payment to citizens under Veterans benefits, Medicaid, Medicare, and Social Security as well as Obamacare, Obamacare PROVES that our government will spend those "savings" and then some...The deficit is up 108 percent under Obama.

("The federal debt has continued to swell since our last report…an increase of 108 percent since Obama first took office. The debt has also gained dramatically even when measured as a percentage of the nation’s economic output, or gross domestic product (GDP),"

Obamacare shoves its metrics magic on how much money has and will be saved. Take the government at its word--it has SLASHED spending on behalf of citizens. It is a national disgrace that THIS is where our government has "SAVED" money, money that not only didn't reduce the deficit, but was unable to even slow our political class' spending--The deficit is up 108 percent since Obama took office.

As human beings and citizens, WE are responsible for saying NO to entitlement raids, for entitlement cuts that turn Americans against Americans to benefit the government class.

(See, "Destroying Social Security Destroying Social Security, Etc. Hasn't and Won't "Work," Obamacare: National Deficit 2016,"