If nothing else, Donald Trump's failure to fail has revealed and unveiled everything wrong with today's Republican Party. Gone are the polished tolerant comments of the political class and big-mouths who predicted Trump's early demise from their out-of-touch cloistered haunts and suddenly from Kasich who, dropping his "polite" style confessed (calmly) how he'll try to manipulate a nomination in defiance of voters, to the stupidity of Erick Erickson, the Republican anti-Trump campaign by the Republican Party is a disgrace.
If Trump is the nominee, they claim Hillary will win. Since not every Republican voter is stupid, let's call it for what it should be: If Donald Trump is not the nominee, Hillary will win. Sure, there are some Republicans who won't vote for Hillary, but they're a shrinking, dying breed of entrenched extremists who would vote for any other-than when it comes to political figures.
Mike Huckabee comes out a winner, though he's not running for President, in his harsh criticism of the party's conduct. Looking up his comments is a good read, most everything else getting air time from the Republicans reveals an embarrassing ugliness that it took a Donald Trump to expose.