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Sunday, May 1, 2016

Kasich Declares Himself the Nominee--Obamacare's Legacy, Election 2016

Have you see the John Kasich ad that includes a phony video of him WINNING the Republican nomination (entitled "Candidate")? Phony balloons and crowds and talking about how he won (not will win, not has no chance of winning, but WON,) the Republican nomination.

Then there's the Ted Cruz fantasy of the week where he announced his running-mate for VP in a premature defiance of reality.

And there's Hillary playing the Genitalia Card with her "woman's card" gimmick ( despite a strikingly sparse record of pro-woman achievements (except her own), (Heather Gautney, March, 2015, "White House 2016: Is Hillary Clinton More Pro-Woman Than Her Democrat Rivals?"

It's the obvious legacy of Obamacare and the leap beyond the usual campaign lying to the surreal world of the media-supported perpetual lying of the political class that created the situation where 3/10/2016, our President could stand beside the Canadian PM lying boasting about how US citizens had a "right to health care," though the lie was challenged by Cuban leadership when Castro called out the US and its FAILURE to provide health CARE for all (March 21, 2016).

It's been a journey from the campaign lies of 2008 to the repetition of lies through 2016 in defiance of reality with the tolerance of lies creating a President who at various times has bragged in Moses-like 10-commandments style that "Obamacare is here to stay," as if this law was impervious to the judicial, legislative and administrative changes that the law's already gone through to the debacle of being confronted about the lies by Cuban leadership in March.

The coddling by a partisan press of the President as he peddles his lies has done nothing to influence actual reality. Lying that health insurance and health care are synonymous hasn't changed the millions of Americans who have no access to either health insurance or health care (beyond emergency rooms which receive LESS money under Obamacare DSH payment reductions). Lying that Affordable referred to consumer expenses in paying for health insurance and health care hasn't changed the reality that both have gone up under Obama's regime. And the government partnership with insurance companies in redefining "insurance" as a means of covering the finite costs of preventive services instead of the definitional function of insurance which is an arrangement for protection against possible EVENTUALITIES (illness) in exchange for premium payments has not completely been eradicated from the expectation of the American people.

This dramatic shift to repetitive lying that exposed the President to the derisive response by Cuban leadership, has also stymied legitimate and factually supported Obamacare criticism that might have resulted in meaningful progress for Americans in effectively modifying some of the many flaws that injure Americans.

Instead, this election season, Hillary Clinton proposes the expansion of the worst aspects of Obamacare including allowing anyone regardless of legal status to enroll in Obamacare and be able to receive government premium and cost sharing entitlement benefits and further sweetening the entitlement pot for exchange users by creating a $5,000 credit for exchange users ONLY, excluding the vast majority of Americans since at its best the number of people using exchanges is (according to government for 2016) between 9 and 12 million. (For Clinton proposals see:

Few of us are "outraged" by campaign lies, we've come to accept the election posturing of the political class. But it's the bold-faced perpetuation of these lies that defy reality and indicate that we need a change in approach.
This type of lying is pure Obama--Not only did he lie on the campaign trail (twice), but he peddles the same lies even when everyone else KNOWS they're lies, presuming that most will be like the Canadian PM, too polite to call him on it. This isn't strength, it's weakness and it's brought us almost a decade's worth of decline framed as progress.

Perpetuation of Obama's persistent lying is very worrisome as Hillary invokes Obama as her spirit guide and promotes a platform that includes extending Obamacare to illegal immigrants and creating an additional $5,000 credit to help them pay for it and issuing her "woman card," as if she's been a champion of women's rights.

Sure, they're repeating the same lies--It's our job to understand that repeating it doesn't make it any truer this time than the time they said it before.