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Sunday, May 8, 2016

The New Self-Hating Democratic Americans: Obamacare

Democrats are afraid of insulting anyone but Americans--old Americans, poor Americans, working middle class Americans. It's a weird twist that suddenly policies that are pro-American are considered anti someone else.

For instance, the Obama "amnesty" has resulted in the issuance of over 541,000 new social security cards to illegals according to Carolyn Colvin of the SSA. Yet many Democrats still believe that the amnesty available under Obama's executive order has never been used to benefit a single illegal. It's one of those crazy Democratic talking points that are not real but make Democrats feel morally superior as they disparage those who believe in legal immigration.

On April 15, 2015, Fox News reported that, "Obama Admin. Gave Social Security Numbers to Over Half a Million Illegal Aliens," Barbara Hollingsway,, citing an April 10, response by Carolyn Colvin of the SSA who said that by the end of 2014 over 541,000 social security numbers had been issued. A challenge to the law is in the process of being considered by the Supreme Court (Supreme Court divided on Obama's immigration actions, 4/18/2016, Ariane de Vogue.)

Stunningly, many self-hating Democrats jump on any cause but their own. I know young people who support Obamacare, the bizarre law that RAISED their rates as young healthies in two ways, by mandating that those who could afford health insurance buy it and by raising how much those young people could be charged for it from one fifth ratio-- one fifth of what's being charged to older Americans to a one-third ratio, one third of what's being charged to older Americans.

I know Democrats who can argue in FAVOR of the unsustainability of things like Medicare and Social Security who seem to feel the government's pain even as the Democrats have slashed food stamps and unemployment benefits…hardly actions that old-time Democrats would have supported and even as the Democrats have passed legislation that pays doctors to tell gravely ill patients to weigh the cost of taking a shot at preserving their lives over dying.

The focus on tone and tenor is bizarre as we're informed by Hillary Clinton that she WILL find the government money to expand Obamacare by first making anyone of any legal status eligible for it and its government payouts and secondly by increasing those benefits by creating a $5,000 tax credit for Obamacare exchange users only. Firstly, how is Medicare, providing some level of security for Americans who have worked and paid into that system for a lifetime "unsustainable" and embracing illegals and paying out increased benefits to them under Obamacare "sustainable"? Secondly, how is it not HATE to choose to spend money on benefits for illegal immigrants over the older Americans. Have they LOOKED at the Obamacare provisions for Medicare over the next 10 years? This is not kindness or tolerance it's choosing people who have entered the country illegally and have NOT paid into protective programs by creating NEW entitlements just for them.

The next thing I notice seems to have young voters confused is how many people actually have benefited from Obamacare exchange plans EXCLUDING Medicaid which is a federal-state entitlement program. That number is according to the government based on this year's enrollment is "…an estimated range of 9.4 to 11.4 million effectuated enrollees in the Marketplace at the end of 2016," That's it. In fact, enrollment in exchange plans has been so lackluster that the government fought for the right to pay out more in premium tax credits than seemed provided for by the original law and won that RIGHT TO PAY in King v. Burwell.

I notice Democrats don't know what Obamacare means: For instance, the consolidation of providers has prompted outfits like Deloitte to anticipate that "…in the next decade, only 50 percent of current health systems will likely remain," ( reducing consumer choice and noting that consolidation of insurance companies "leads to premium increases,"

Similarly, there has been NO slowdown in health insurance prices for consumers. As a matter of fact, the government itself states: "Health Insurance Will Increase from 48 to 55 percent over the next decade with Obamacare just as it did from 2005 to 2014," CBO publication,

As for expanded Medicaid, this week it was revealed that millions of new enrollees could have gotten Medicaid BEFORE Obamacare. On MAY 2, 2016, US NEWS reported, "Millions of Poor Still Could Have Gotten Coverage Without Obamacare: Publicity around the Affordable Care Act led millions to sign up who could have been getting insurance all along," by Kimberly Leonard,

The sacrifice of our privacy with electronic health records, the preventive care that is being foisted upon us more and more, the limited choice in providers has NOT helped the FACT that MEDICAL ERROR is the third leading cause of death in the US, (see for example, Researchers: Medical errors now third leading cause of death in United States, Arian Eunjung Cha, 5/3/2016,

Donald Trump must stop baiting the haters and stick to the sad facts of what the Democrats and Hillary Clinton stand for that made his slogan America First--better Americans first, appealing to those of us confused by the new twisted view that being pro-American necessarily means your anti anyone else.