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Saturday, July 30, 2016

Democrats Forge Ahead--Everything But Our Approach is Worse- 2016

We've heard Republicans characterized as everything from racists to Nazis to treasonous and all this from the party that says "LOVE TRUMPS HATE," except of course if you dare to disagree.

The Democrats I recall have no resemblance to those of today. Today, to me, many Democrats are the most contemptuous, untruthful, ungrateful, cynical and willfully and woefully ignorant individuals our population has to offer, spinning hatred into justifiable contempt, intolerance into moral superiority, cheating into "cleverness," lies into "technical truths," and downright exploitation into "the right thing to do."

To his credit, when the President lies, he lies big, bold and unapologetically. It took him all of 4 minutes and 55 seconds into his DNC speech to announce, his oft-repeated lie that health care is a right in America perverting the notion of a right into the pay-in or be fined system of the forced purchase of a consumer product, health insurance, in order to be eligible to receive health care without any safety net that captures the tens of millions of people omitted from the system. It should make our blood boil, not bring tears to the eyes of the deluded, who were invited to the "party" for this brief window period of the election season until their votes are counted and the political class can safely lock itself in the fantasy world in which they live.

But for now the Democrats are working overtime to recapture the ignorance and trust placed in the President who adopted insurance company demands and used his first two years of a Democratic administration and Democratic dominance in both houses of Congress to burden our population with the administrative busywork of Obamacare that has resulted in higher premiums (not savings of $2,500 a year), higher costs as out-of-pocket maximums are raised each year, and overall WORSE health insurance in terms of coverage of needed medical services rather than the junk list of forced wellness provisions and checkups.

We've accepted a system of health insurance that treats the healthy, that plays into the idea of prevention INSTEAD of treatment, which leaves every person who will eventually NEED medical care facing the great known but denied fact that they will likely NOT be able to afford needed medical services, that with medical error ranking as the third leading cause of death in the US that it is likely their "care" will make things worse, that even if they are "cooperative" "perfect" "compliant" patients their whole lives and survive to Medicare that they will be lectured that fighting for their lives is not worth it as they get the speech for which physicians are PAID now, thanks to Obamacare--the end of life counseling that includes a consideration of the cost of fighting for that life.

It's the uncomfortable lie that it took the President's embarrassing Cuba trip to divulge, when Castro responded to the President's human rights lecture with a remark that at least Cuba has universal health care, a health care right (March 2016).

But on the heels of the bold-faced lies and contemptuous putdowns of the party that "cares" and intends to use "love to trump hate," except of course for the people they hate where they'll use hate, sarcasm and false intellectualism to justify hate and prejudice, we're getting the new reports of how great our healthcare "right" is. After all, gotta shut the crowds up amidst the promise of double-digit increases in insurance premiums under Obamacare.

Here we go--suspend your disbelief as if you're watching a movie and maybe you'll buy in. I'll go back to the LA TIMES which has again given top space to one of Obamacare's fanboys whose twists and turns of toadying justification naturally compelled him to grab on to some "studies" that "prove" the Democratic battle cry of fear-mongering partisanship--WITHOUT US THINGS WOULD BE WORSE and so the headline warns: "The truth about healthcare premiums: They'd be a lot higher without Obamacare,"

Yeah, the studies cited are spins, anticipations that things could be worse, which any grownup knows, things are worse, we have been living with this junk for six years. But the really contemptuous purely partisan approach is the idea that ONLY Obamacare can save us and that besides, even though it's set to have double-digit increases, even though it NEVER insured as many people as anticipated, this year coming in at 11.1 million even with the FORCED purchase of a consumer product, that even though insurers are dropping out of the exchanges as their goody-bags are depleted with the expiration of the temporary bribes of risk reinsurance and risk corridor payments, even with increased out-of-pocket maximums forcing consumers to come up with $7,150 for a single person and $14,300 before obtaining the maximum coverage under their plans, even with increases in copayments, coinsurance and deductibles, that somehow all this is a good thing.

It's idiotic, it's partisan and it's an election strategy in the face of insurance companies warning of the huge increases. It's feel-good junk science that only works if you suspend disbelief, unfortunately you do that at your peril.