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Thursday, October 20, 2016

Hillary's Puppet Population: Voter Fraud Diaries, Emails, and Sending Sanders Home

The message of the sheer pattern of corruption that Democrats have excused in their candidate is more "stunning" than Trump saying he won't promise to accept election results in the wake of this week's REVEAL, not manufacture, not empty allegation, but REVEAL via tape that two high-level Democratic manipulatives, Robert Creamer and Scott Foval were "caught on tape," detailing how they've disrupted Trump events with paid audience members including payments to those with mental illness to incite violence at Trump campaign events and provided detailed instructions on "how to commit voter fraud,"

This is in the wake of a decades long pattern of deceit that included this year's destruction and calculated emasculation of Bernie Sanders who apparently "forgives" the Democratic Party and now sniffs after Hillary campaigning for her with a meekness that is, well, embarrassing to him and those who supported him.

Instead Democrats glom onto focusing on the "sources" of information, outraged that Wikileaks REVEALED, not manufactured, but REVEALED the frightening details of a now candidate that uses the federal government and her knowledge of it to promote herself including deal-making, offering jobs as quid pro quo amidst a muddy and dishonorable decades long corruption of our political system.

Instead Democrats focus outrage on the secret tapes that REVEAL, not manufacture but REVEAL Democratic Party conduct lecturing people on how to commit voter fraud and confessing to paying mentally ill individuals and others to incite violence at Trump campaign events.

Instead Democrats focus on trying to focus on weird conspiracy theories between a US citizen and Putin as the source for REVEALING, not manufacturing but REVEALING emails that show a frightening pattern of using her public employment as a tool for self-promotion and self- enrichment. It's quite remarkable.

Eagerly Democrats manufacture the hopefulness of the plans of Hillary Clinton without ever addressing the main issue--believing the promises of a career liar who uses her position in public employment for self-enrichment and self-promotion is ridiculous. In no other arena would a sensible person ignore the "pattern" of lying and misconduct and take that individual at her word.