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Thursday, October 13, 2016

The Risk of Treating Americans like STUPIDHEADS: Obamacare

Media wakeup call and their adoption of the Americans as Stupidheads approach--Michael Hiltzik and his assertion that we don't "understand" is why we don't like Obamacare, Much of formerly respected media has deteriorated from spin to lying because well, we seem to be buying it, but we're not stupidheads and we'd better start showing it.

Every time we reinforce this Americans-as-stupidheads approach of this President and Hillary Clinton and their supporters, we run the risk of what we've gotten from the falsehoods used to sell Obamacare to "deals" such as that with Iran (see Reuters report of "US, others agreed 'secret' exemptions for Iran after nuclear deal: think tank," 9/1/2016, Jonathan Landay, and the Climate Deal which has zero enforcement, though the Democrats are claiming that doesn't matter,

I'm wondering at what point we will stop behaving like stupidheads which might just change the tide of us being treated like stupidheads.

It's Obama's signature approach, the unworthiness and incapability of Americans who disagree with him to "smartly" see the world as he does, even as he dismisses those who put him in office and our system of government. It's a dangerous approach and it's one that we're assured will be followed by Obama's "Mini-Me," Hillary Clinton.

Like Obamacare itself, it's rotten at the core, the attitude and the policies that emerged by dangerously empowering a President to behave like a lone wolf who threatens our government of checks and balances with his "phone and his pen," who threatens our rule of law with amnesty, who threatens our physical and financial well-being with a scheme of governmental savings as payer of benefits predicated on the imposition of the FORCED purchase of a CONSUMER FINANCIAL PRODUCT, health insurance.

Yet, with all the labels that we're supposed to be sensitive to, essentially calling Americans STUPIDHEADS because they don't agree with tyrannical efforts to weaken the governmental structure of the United States apparently doesn't offend and that's why I use it here.

But this labeling has us behaving like STUPIDHEADS.

There's been no objection when in presidential debate minutes are wasted bickering over whether a private citizen was for or against a specific war versus Clinton who acted in the role of Secretary of State and supported the war. That's STUPID, Trump had no sway over the government's decision to go to war with Iraq, (or for those conspiracy folk, did he?)

There's been no public outcry when evidence of flouting the rules rises to the level of an FBI Director as contortionist trying to justify a politically directed position NOT to prosecute someone who violated the law as written by adding elements to the crime (intent) and accepting the tradeoff of the Attorney General's responsibilities so that she could sit there after inappropriate conduct with the person being investigated and shake her head and decline to answer questions about the incident.

There's been no objection when court-mandated payoffs to individuals accusing a President (Clinton) of sexual harassment result in an $850,000 payoff are dismissed as "decades old," and the allegation of some sudden "discovery" of two women who were inappropriately "touched,"(with no record of the same, years ago) are somehow unearthed to distract from these documented facts.

There's been no public outcry about a first lady, Clinton's support of a crime bill that has resulted in the incarceration of millions of Americans under the label "super-predators," but now minimizes the risk of bringing in tens of thousands of unvetted individuals into the US, remember the FBI Director Comey, while talking specifically about Syrian refugees and not all of the Middle East, has repeatedly said that admitting refugees has its challenges and that information gaps do exist.

There's been no public outcry when emails indicate that media was bought and paid for and sacrificed credibility for clout, see NY TIMES reporters, Donna Brazile, to skew our political system using their bully pulpits we're supposed to be too cynical to believe this is a big deal, even when as recently as this election Democrats used the same dirty pool to get rid of Bernie Sanders.

There's been no public outcry when a guy who runs beauty pageants (Trump) shows concern with a winner's weight and we're supposed to believe that shows hatred of women (as if women are being forced into beauty pageants) but we're supposed to believe that giggling about defending a rapist (who was convicted) of a 12-year-old by our other candidate was simply "doing a job."

There's no public outcry when Hillary Clinton tells a woman who complained about the costs of exchange plans in March at a Town Hall to "Keep Shopping," YouTube which is the complete CNN Town Hall of 3/13/2016 and I've marked the minutes of Hillary Clinton's Obamacare response which is at about minute 21:23,, we're supposed to believe that the complaint is invalid even after Clinton's own husband pointed out the "craziness" of Obamacare.

As for Michael Hiltzik, he's for treating Americans as stupidheads, asserting that people don't like Obamacare because, "They still don't know much about it." Really? Let's see if we're stupidheads.

Hiltzik writes that there's a poll that shows that we stupidheads don't know what the law has accomplished and holds out the last breath of hope for Obamacare fanboys, the one thing they hope will "prove" the law.

OK fellow stupidheads, what's his "proof of success" of Obamacare (because it's the ONLY success of Obamacare forcing people by law to purchase health insurance plans or face a penalty)? That's right--enrollment.

Now for us stupidheads who remember the claim of 49 million uninsureds before we knew we were going to be PUNISHED if we dare chose NOT to purchase the consumer financial product of health insurance, and for those of us who also know that Obamacare exchange plans, the ones the individuals BUY rather than the free-health insurance and near-free treatment of Medicaid is the crux of Obamacare, we also can wonder at the "success" of Obamacare when it turns out that enrollment has been awful, this year at an overstated optimistic maximum of only 11.1 million people.

And next what Hiltzik doesn't think we understand? There is no next. Circa 2010 he bases his assertion that we stupidheads don't get Obamacare because he can "prove" more people have health insurance.

So from us stupidheads to you Mr. Hiltzik, you're a delusional Obamacare apologist more interested in pushing a false agenda than in informing anyone of anything. People didn't buy INTO Obamacare based solely on the 49 million who would be apparently FORCED to purchase health insurance--that's idiotic and oh yeah, and it didn't work, that number after six years is at BEST 11.1 million.