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Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Shaking the Poo off his Shoe: Paul Ryan's Rejection is Trump's Opportunity

Paul Ryan is a big part of the reason that Republicans won't get out of their own way--eagerly trying to frame this failed VP candidate and his views as something that might "catch on." No sir. He was an anchor for Mitt Romney and he's an anchor for Trump. But for Trump, the rejection by his own "party" should be an opportunity not a problem. Trump is more moderate than the wacky bunch of Republican politicians that have made them presidential pariahs and now's the time to embrace the forced independent status he's achieved through their ridiculous backwards hubris. Here's what I'd hope to hear:

In addressing the clean energy black hole of money the US government is spending, Trump should stick with what he said--work on new fuels but don't simply dump old fuels and emphasize that the money saved could be used to restore the FOOD STAMPS budget that was mercilessly slashed in 2014 by this Democratic Administration in response to our stagnant economy.

In addressing the President's special interest executive order that raised the minimum wage for workers for the Federal government (contractors) but left the rest of the US with the 1999 $7.25 an hour minimum wage, Trump should argue that he would repeal that executive order and work to increase the minimum wage for ALL Americans which at the federal level would have to be accomplished by Congress at the national level but could be immediately addressed by individual states.

Fiscal responsibility is important and in politics, Donald Trump makes a good point that he is self-funded. Hillary Clinton said she supports campaign finance reform but uses the law to amass dollars that should remind every voter she's not in it together with any of the ordinary people she condescends to name in her empty promises. Further, Donald Trump should be using the opportunity to compare her campaign funding grab with her alleged support of campaign finance reform as the same as his desire to reform tax laws while taking advantage of what is legally available to the rich today.

Fiscal responsibility should also come from requiring public employees to live by the same rules as the rest of us since we pay up to 72 percent of premiums, The government could save money by first governing itself and reining in those costs. Public employee benefits should not be SUPERIOR to those they govern: “The government provides its employees with a first-class benefits package. In fact, studies conducted by the Bureau of Labor Statistics reveal that the gap concerning benefits between the private and public sectors has been growing-in favor of the public sector,”

Paul Ryan and Hillary Clinton are part of this government for government employees class that for modern Republicans who want to slash our government protections yet milk the system providing themselves superior health benefits, superior job security, superior pension all at the expense of taxpayers.

Then there's the issue of taxes and Hillary's constant assertion that "everyone" approves of her plan yet her running mate Tim Kaine said that Clinton was going to pay for her ideas by LIFTING THE PAYROLL TAX CAP, you know that tax that went up two percent for working Americans during Obama and that Clinton will raise again.

Donald Trump confided that in repealing Obamacare, "I won't let people die in the streets," aggravating the wacky Republican concepts that indeed would have people dying in the streets. He's now free and independent enough to say it. It's a strength not a weakness.

Especially since the entrenched public employees like Paul Ryan and Hillary Clinton who hate or love Obamacare have ignored the poorest Americans--those who are outside of Medicaid because Obama's attempt to force expanded Medicaid on states was declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court, Obamacare's exchanges are ONLY relevant to EMPLOYED Americans whose wages fall within income parameters.

Obamacare actually EXEMPTS poorest Americans from his scheme of forced insurance purchase as anyone can see by going to exemptions including those who are victims of domestic violence which is significant because domestic violence counseling is one of the freebies the confused law makes us all pay for while it promises that only insured females get the freebie yet females who are victims of domestic violence don't have to buy his insurance or face a fine.

Citizen Privacy Rights, Abortion, NSA: Instead of feeding into the nonsensical Democratic rhetoric of being pro choice or pro life which yields comments like Kaine's that Republicans don't trust women to decide, Trump should advocate that the federal government should retain its policy of NOT providing federal dollars for abortion and then go into the despicable intrusions on privacy that the NSA and Hillary Clinton until recently have supported.

Clinton didn't trust any American citizen advocating for MORE surveillance, “We have to stop jihadists from radicalizing new recruits in person and through social media chat rooms, and what’s called the dark web,” Clinton said,, in stark contrast to her own privilege of destroying her own public record, the email scandal.

Only this year did Clinton back away from her pro-super-surveillance stance: "She voted in favor of the USA Patriot Act, which ultimately enabled bulk data collection of Americans’ phone records, but said this year she supports the USA Freedom Act, which effectively ended the NSA’s bulk collection of data."

Then there's the immigration issue--The key detractor from deportation is that it costs the federal government about $10,000 per individual deportation process, it's not worth it. So there are two choices, make it a mission to register every illegal the same as American citizens so that their identities are known OR find someone else, like those employing illegals to pay for the deportation. The pathway to citizenship is not some benignly motivated policy on the part of Democrats, it's an attempt to do what Democrats do best--gather information so that they can turn every man, woman and child into a taxpaying voter.

Paul Ryan's rejection of Trump should be empowering to Donald Trump in the most positive sense of the word.