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Saturday, November 12, 2016

Michelle Obama's Garden IS the problem…and Obamacare

When I first saw all the "worrying" about Michelle Obama's garden I was hoping it was being used as a "symbol" of something great--but it wasn't.

The media and President Obama worried over the survival of Michelle Obama's PHYSICAL vegetable garden in the event of a Democrat loss…literally undertaking construction strategy steps to make sure the garden lasts in the hopes of permanently marking this First Lady's territory, a grotesque symbol of the Obama presidency that slashed Food Stamps for Americans,

And so the Obama garden is a symbol of sorts, a symbol of a President who acted like the presidency was a position as CEO, his own personal fiefdom where he could do as he pleased and ignore those who put him there as he warned and threatened that Obamacare is here to stay and is now reduced to using the same strategy for shoring up a vegetable garden as a permanent monument to his contribution to the Democrats' failure.

Much like Obamacare this relentless self-centeredness and deliberate deafness to the American people as our money is used to pursue a presidential wish-list of transformations based on a series of pet projects and special interests is what finally defeated the Democrats.

Hillary Clinton not only jumped on the bandwagon but promised to ignore Americans even more and that is what new Democrats may be unwilling to examine. The agenda of Obama and Hillary Clinton was not that of a Democratic Party that many of us have been loyal to throughout our lives, inheriting our loyalty from our parents who were also loyal to the party. Instead it was a group of individuals marking their territory, using the public dime as their personal wallet and using their talents to figure out "just legal" ways of bypassing both the American people and critics.

So instead of suddenly developing the ability to read (which neither media nor our representatives did when Obamacare passed) and nitpicking through what will happen to Obamacare, let's start with the first and most important change to Obamacare that is necessary: The federal government MUST make the law apply to its public employees FIRST, not provide those public employees whose benefits shamefully outstrip the rest of America's with a way of bypassing the crap they're imposing on us.

If President Trump cannot tackle the devastation of the American middle class fostered by the replacement of that middle class with a protected middle class of federal employees, then he will have failed in his promise to do something the Obamas never did, remember who put them in office and why they're there and it wasn't about slashing food stamps and protecting some cute but meaningless garden (they could write a small check to cover their food donations to a soup kitchen) that stands as a petty tribute to a presidency that paved the way for Hillary Clinton's defeat.