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Friday, November 11, 2016

"Surging Enrollments," and other Media Motivated Hype: Trump

Donald Trump will have to show his mettle and resolve not to instantly forget the people who put him in office in favor of those with whom he has to work but who savagely worked to prevent it and Obamacare will be a proving ground. Repealing the law is necessary, but replacing it with current Republican plans would be a misstep that will dog Trump's presidency (Sabotage or Disagreement--Obamacare and Republican Plans are Bad for Consumers 2016, and would fill those with glee who have been trying to sell the fiasco of Obamacare as the only choice to "something worse."

Already pushing nostalgia for the still existing Obamacare, news stories announce "surges" in Obamacare enrollment as if they're offering poof on the sullied altar of this horrendous government-insurance company scam perpetrated against the American people is already gone.

Already these same publications are baiting Donald Trump reciting the 20 things he promised to do. In other words, already the media is showing they've learned nothing from this election even if we have that their partisan, divisive manipulation may not continue into eternity and just maybe, instead of behaving like parroting aggregators of five stories a day republished with enough minor changes in language to beat a plagiarism charge that they might have to actually work. Because let's face it, that's how and why they got it wrong.

Once mainstream media recycle (not part of a climate change plan but a laziness plan) the replays of the most "terrifying" aspects of Donald Trump or begin enshrining the defeat of a newly sainted (despite her anti-Catholic rhetoric) Hillary Clinton, just maybe they'll recall their role in "selling" the nation Obamacare with a superficial babyish idol worship of then unknown President Obama never considering anything but that every turd he pooped was for the selfless benefit of the American people and that every criticism of him was rooted in racism. Not so and before history rewrites it, perhaps you should give yourself a reality check.

First, Obamacare is still law, so go get it if you're one of the 9.4 to 11.1 million working Americans who fit into its income parameters and are one of the 85 percent of that 9.4 to 11.1 million people who get government entitlement money to help pay for it. There are 319 million people in this country, so let's keep this entitlement program in perspective.

Second, because Obamacare is still law, so is the individual mandate, so this year's benefits elections like all things from the new left are not only available but mandatory or else you'll pay fine if you have money and dare not purchase health insurance. So why the heck are you surging? After all, by the time the demonized Trump takes office, benefits season will be just about over for 2017.

Third, the government class that has protected itself from the confines and brutality of Obamacare through public employee benefits that it brags are so much better than ours, which is true,,, has also INCREASED your out of pocket maximum for this year, $7,150 for an individual plan and $14,300, so keep those emergency funds in place if God forbid you actually need to use your health insurance during 2017.

Fourth, instead of egging on Donald Trump to REPEAL and REPLACE, REPEAL should be the focus, not a rush to replace with the losing Republican plans often pushed by the likes of Paul Ryan who's such a political insider that he's shamelessly kissing up to Donald Trump, supposedly with the blessing of the idiotic and persistently losing old-time Republican Party of tea party maniacs.

Donald Trump tapped into a sensible America in spite of the fear-mongering and backwards views of a government class hell-bent on protecting itself and his greatest challenge will be restraint, especially when it comes to Obamacare and the losing Republican party that sees its opportunity to use him as a tool to push forward their ideas that have been rejected for over a decade by the American people.

Worse than NOT repealing Obamacare and thereby opening himself up to challenges that he "failed," would be the rush to push forward old-time Republican hacks' plans.