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Thursday, November 10, 2016

Sever the Idea of Repeal and Replace: Obamacare was "Changing," Either way

The doomsday scenarios are wretched, not only for their manipulative attempt to inflame our population already worried about the world in which we live, but because of the savagery and shameless manipulation of our population with name-calling, half-truths and plain out lies by the candidates and our President during this disgraceful display of ego during the campaign season.

We have a new president elect, which we were going to have regardless of who you voted for and for Obamacare it's meaningful only in HOW the law will change. There was never any IF about it, both candidates had "plans" for the law, and the American people know that Obamacare as designed and enacted was basically a scam perpetrated against the American people failing according to every criteria upon which we elected this President and believed his lies about the law.

For the presidential elect, it's critical to be smart. There wasn't NOTHING before Obamacare, and both before and since we faced a healthcare crisis. Since Obamacare we've seen the same healthcare crisis with moderate improvements in some parts of that crisis, specifically expanded Medicaid, but more significant failures in improving the very reasons identified for that crisis to begin with--Skyrocketing needed healthcare costs charged by providers, skyrocketing health insurance premiums that covered less and less needed medical care and services, defensive medicine used by physicians to create a population of "well" patients being tested so that they could use the CYA strategy of running patients through the mill even as medical error remains the third leading cause of death in this country.

So let's not rush to replacement. Sever the two goals: Repeal first and then only after extended work and honest discussion of a law with the American people who can have time to influence THEIR REPRESENTATIVES, see whether a new idea would be better or just another Obamacare tradeoff that might make things worse.

Remember, there was Medicaid before Obamacare and in fact many more people were eligible for that coverage than knew they were. What Obamacare exchanges became were a bloated governmental infrastructure with employees in the Federal government using our tax dollars for their superior benefits as they implemented a miserable imposition of brutality on the American people that focused on saving the federal government and insurance companies money ONLY by reducing how much they spent on needed medical services for nsureds in an unholy partnership of a government led by a President with limited non-public employee experience and a vision that was determined to use the non-government employee middle class as his piggybank for his pet projects.

Hillary Clinton not only PROMISED to continue this destruction of the middle class but promised to go further, allowing illegal immigrants to reap the benefits of this Obama entitlement program of payouts in order to satisfy insurance company enrollment goals creating an even more grotesque symbol of the new liberalism that puts American citizens last and only useful as tools for a government class run amok.

As far as undoing the long-lauded coverage for pre-existing conditions, reinstate the original program pre this horrible law, the Pre-existing Condition Insurance Plan,

Repeal. Do it. But don't replace so fast, because we're onto the game and only the Obamacare fangirls and fanboys who have been unable to understand Obamacare and still parrot the lies of the original law might be persuaded to believe that there's a "good" government-insurance company partnership that will work for the American people.