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Friday, June 23, 2017

Republicans and Democrats Unite to Screw Consumers

The Washington Post has a pleasant surprise, an article by Kim Soffen and Darla Cameron that gives a pretty good idea of the trash being offered by Republicans that is eerily similar to the trash of Obamacare that heralded in one of the most outrageous betrayals of the American people, a partnership between our federal government and the private insurance industry to tag-team and gouge and exploit the American consumer. The Republicans offer NO resolution to this essential misrepresentation and lie perpetrated against the American people by President Obama, instead opting for an equally sloppy, expensive and exploitive bill that merely "Republicanizes" Obamacare by passing their partnership powers to the States in some cases.

Further, three noteworthy failures. You'll notice public employees, like the Congressmen engaging in the idiotic theater of their views of healthcare, will NOT be bound by the garbage we're in for WHILE we pay for up to 72 percent of their premiums for superior coverage. Bad news.

Second, you'll notice the back-door penalty attached to people who dare not to buy the consumer financial product of health insurance, a 30 percent surcharge, that state governments can make even higher, for anyone who doesn't buy insurance company health policy products-- a privatized version of an individual mandate.

Third, you'll notice the appalling commitment to HSAs, the old time healthy wealthy plans that have been normalized only because of the horrendous trend created by Obamacare, saving government and insurance company dollars by screwing the American consumer.

But as you go through, you'll notice the real difference, the Republicans have chosen to retain the government insurance company partnership designed to rip off consumers instead of taking its role as elected representation of the American people, and has chosen to "Republicanize" it simply by handing over its ill-gotten authority in its deals with insurers to state governments. State governments, will be free to financially exploit their citizens based on the vast range of amok state governments and moods of legislators within their states. It is a bad plan. Without the dissolution of the perverted partnership between the federal government and insurance companies that Obama embraced, merely expanding the deal to include STATE governments, is a back-door way of making Americans' insurance future even more unsure.

This bill is a faux change to Obamacare, and President Trump made a big mistake in supporting it and he and Congress should be voted out, unless the Democrats are unable to get off their own crazy carousel and stand up for old-time Democratic Party values and recapture moderates and DISSOLVE THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT PARTNERSHIP WITH INSURANCE COMPANIES WHILE BENEFITS FOR PUBLIC EMPLOYEES OFF OUR BACKS. Start there.