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Friday, June 23, 2017

The Incompetent Idiocy of the Republican Health Plan

Obamacare is bad, conceived in concocted lies to the American people, raised on the soulless exploitation of the private middle class, perpetuated by an egotistical President and a corrupt, or sadly, merely grossly incompetent Congress. The law is bad.

And now the Republican Plan, supposedly eight years in the making emerges as the slacker codification of their pet peeves with nothing improved, but instead a Republicanized Obamacare with the very misery of Obamacare's unconscionable partnership of our elected government with insurance companies combined to exploit the American consumer to the benefit of both government and insurance companies, except the Republicans will substitute State Government for federal government in certain instances.

The media is not helping with the silly nitpicking and idiotic hyperfocus on Planned Parenthood or the semantic game of the individual mandate versus continuous coverage, a private mandate the Republicans are peddling that allows insurers to charge at least a 30 percent surcharge to insureds with a break in coverage instead of Obamacare's forced tax payment to the government for such a lapse.

We the American people, those unlucky enough not to be public employees collecting paychecks and benefits unavailable to the people who finance them, are as badly exploited by Republicans as Democrats.

Here's the problem. Obamacare is bad, but did not happen in a vacuum. The health industrial complex's exploitation of the American consumer, from the insurance companies, to the providers, to the services associated with them, had created a crisis that resulted in people opting out of the consumer financial product of health insurance, not in the least because it didn't work for consumers in the event of needed medical services. Though the policies varied by state, the state public employees like their federal counterparts, lazily allowed it to happen as they reaped their public employee benefits.

This made the idea of standardization under the umbrella of a Federal government that after all had experience with public insurance programs from Medicaid to Medicare to Veterans benefits, seem like it might offer some possibility of reversing the trend of corruption and greed that left the US with the most expensive healthcare costs and a lagging life expectancy. No such luck.

Instead Obamacare became the poster child of corruption, delivered and sold to the American people by a conniving and untruthful President that resulted in the partnership of government and insurance companies, defeating any likelihood that our representatives, including the elected President would do anything to alienate their partner, the insurance companies.

Well, look at the Republican plan and you'll see that it is merely the uninspired efforts of government reps dialing it in and deciding to share the grotesque powers of the Obama government-insurance company partnership with silly little hand-offs of some authority to states, the same states that already botched meaningful consumer protections for decades and created the void that Obamacare was able to fill in an impotent showing of the Republicanization of Obamacare.

The Republican plan is an insult to the American people, a horrendous hand-off of some of the bloated and unchecked authority the federal government grabbed under Obamacare to the state governments, the very governments that have PROVEN their inability to regulate the insurance industry within their own states.

The bill, Congress and the President himself if he goes along with this should be dumped.