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Thursday, October 5, 2017

Why are You Fighting For Your Congressperson's Benefits?

Rather than Democrat/Republican, the failure to repair or replace or repeal Obamacare is truly more about Congress protecting their own benefits, neatly exempted with their ability to call the federal government their employer and have 72 percent or more of their benefits paid for by taxpayers and if that had failed, President Obama's authorization of "special" subsidies to "help" them pay for health insurance.

It's self-defeating to keep focusing on the nonreasons that Republicans have been seemingly impotent in their efforts to do anything surrounding Obamacare and equally self-defeating to pretend that Democrats "care" about anyone more than either party's "representatives" are really only interested in preserving and expanding their Congressional entitlements.

This failure to recognize what we pay to preserve old-time benefits for our representatives including job security, pensions, health care and the like for public employees even as the former nonpublic middle class and others are told to go pound sand and put yet more skin into their game, is a frustrating angling by misled political talking heads on both sides.

Obamacare clearly worked for one sector, the federal public employees, the very people who made Obamacare law and exempted themselves. If nothing else, the failure to relentlessly demand that those who make law be bound by it is a glaring symptom of consumer deception as we're misdirected to blame each other and everyone else for Congress' petty impotence.