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Thursday, November 15, 2018

Democratic Racism and Sexism is NOT Not Racism and Sexism

It's not about health insurance--yet. Yet in the short-sighted world of lawmaking, campaigning brought us Obamacare rather than sustainable and quality and affordable health insurance reform. In fact the lessons of Obamacare include that false premises, twisted reasoning and unsound policy inaccurately conveyed to consumers does inspire bad law.

And so Vox brings us an example of another cautionary tale, the warped, inaccurate gross over-generalizations about white women voters designed to shame white women into only voting for Democrats. It's the same race-shaming, gender-shaming strategy used on men, to some extent successful into leading them down the only Democrat determined path to redemption, voting Democrat.

It's the Democrat defense, if you will, the false idea that if you're a Democrat you cannot be a racist, sexist, perpetrator of all kinds of evil, which is simply impossible and blatantly untrue.

Vox has just compromised its credibility as a "reporter" with a dystopia concocted from the imagination and opinion of Anna North in her 11/14/2018 article "Why racist politics appeals to white women, explained by American history," in which she spins together a false narrative about white female voters who dare to vote non-Democrat and therefore who she presumes are "racists" based on the lies and libel/slander that any white who votes Republican is racist.

Unashamedly, North also throws in a racist-with-an-explanation ploy that throws white women in the dung-heap of anyone who doesn't vote Democrat by categorizing white women as confused, because historically they were both empowered and disempowered (eg victimized) by men, completing her contempt and irrational hatred of whites and women that would never pass muster in any publication if it were attempting to paint all of anyone else besides whites with the same negative, inaccurate brush.

North leads with a quote from a Guardian (UK) article by Moira Donegan where Donegan lectures, "white women vote for Republicans for the same reason that white men do: because they are racist." Donegan goes further accusing Republicans of also being sadists. Still not satisfied with the character assassination of all white women voters who don't vote exclusively Democrat in the US, Donegan laments with untruths about "…the millions of non-white women who have been made to suffer under Republican administrations – those who have had their water poisoned, their right to vote eroded, their children confiscated and caged at the border, or killed by police with impunity."

If Donegan's referring to Flint, Michigan, pretty much that was Democrats in charge (see PolitiFact, 2/15/2016, Louis Jacobson, "Who's to blame for the Flint water crisis?") Their right to vote eroded? Not even sure what that means. Their children confiscated and caged at the border…Again, many of those photos of "caged" people have already been revealed to be from the Obama Administration years.

As for non--white women's children killed by police with impunity…Well, according to Todd Beer, 3/1/2018, for the years 2015 through 2018, and we know President Trump wasn't elected until 2016, "2015 they accounted for 26% of those that were killed by police, in 2016, 24%, and in 2017, 23% of all those killed by police. For the first half of 2018, Blacks make up 20% of all those killed by police under all conditions." That means that 2015, 26 percent, the highest number of blacks killed by police occurred under Obama.

Similarly, Anna North relies on a patchwork of opinions and distractions all trying to indicate that these disempowered white women are confused and racist and therefore should seek the road to redemption, the same road as their male counterparts and the only way she knows--vote Democrat.

It's time to call racism racism and the Democrats are becoming boldly, unapologetically racist. Beyond manipulating the American public into believing that a white President must be a Nazi, (and no, there are NO facts supporting that, though people like North include white supremacist language in quotes and try to imply the words belong to politicians "like Trump"), the Democrats are really ignoring the main problem with their platform: They are so anti-white that whites must embrace a platform of apologist self-hatred as an entrance fee into the Democratic Party.

This self-hatred is based on a history of the US that no living American was a part of and doesn't apply to millions of whites and white males nor their ancestors, since we are a nation of immigrants and many of us of all colors arrived after slavery, many after WWII, the historical time of real Nazism, and therefore are victims of Democrat prejudice against skin color. For Democrats, the price of acceptance of whites into the party more and more depends on a misplaced and prejudicial self-hatred of themselves based on skin color and gender identity, and that requires a backlash.

This Democratic lazy labeling has been effective for a while, though, mentally healthy people do and will continue to tire of having to accept a narrative of themselves as villains, but certainly, white women are less likely to buckle under the weight of false narrative and accusation as easily as white males did. After all, women have already been put down and may not be willing to pay the white price of admission to the Democratic Party that voting Democrat is the only way to avoid being called a Nazi racist perpetrator.

Actually, the attack on white women might very well encourage women with white male mates and children and fathers and brothers to vote against a party that demeans them to some generalized inadequate based on their skin color and gender. White women being attacked as racist incompetents may in fact be just the way to get white self-hating Democratic males to man-up and show the self-respect and self-esteem for their individuality, contribution and talents that is currently dismissed because of their skin color and gender, because women will NOT vote for people who hate them.

Today in a world that values self-esteem, mental health, individuality and tolerance, Democrats really have no place for white people committed to those ideas UNLESS they exclude themselves from an expectation of those same values and literally support those who hate them.

Now with attacks on white women, perhaps they can defy the expected submission to the Democratic Party narrative of anti-white racist forces in the US that has given permission to publicly denounce all white males based on their voting habits and their skin color.

Democrats like North are demanding that white females enter her dystopia, where all white males are hated for their gender and skin color and all white females must acknowledge that they too are racist Nazis, but only because there's a "victim" element, because white males were their path to "empowerment" and "disempowerment."

The Democratic dystopia that demands male low self-esteem characterized as "modernity," white male self-hatred characterized as "social awareness," and male self-flagellation characterized as "fairness," now demands the same of white women, and has gone a step too far in its racist, sexist politics. It's time to call racism racism, and unabashedly condemn the hatred.