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Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Politician Proposals...Safety Net, Not Universal Health Insurance

It's really difficult to take the political talk of universal health insurance or universal health insurance access seriously when the very labeled premise is inaccurate and misleading. None of the proposals are about universal health insurance nor are they about universal access to health insurance any more than Obamacare is or was. As consumers, calling these approaches what they are should be the first step for buy-in.

Safety net, entitlement program, NOT universal: Time to dump the Medicare for all and NY's claims of universal anything when it comes to health insurance and health care. It's ridiculous because it relies, as Democrats did for Obamacare, on the stupidity of the American voter,(Jonathan Gruber) and I'm hoping we're not.

These plans are entitlement creations, safety nets designed to pick up specific groups of people whom legislators decide are in "need" of some kind of health insurance, without realistic regard for the cost to taxpayers nor the quality of the health insurance being provided, without addressing clawback provisions in the event a person makes strides in income, without detailing the registration requirements, whereby government would be able to document everyone who uses such a program, including previously undocumented individuals, without assurances that insurance companies will not "balance" out the new entitlement coverage by charging other individuals purchasing health insurance much more, without outlining COST controls on all medical providers and prescription drugs, which would have to be part of such legislation in order to stop the arms race of increased charges imposed on consumers.

Instead of starting with misleading lies, such as "universal," legitimate politician marketing of universal health insurance must begin with their definition of universal, the way in which they will limit expenses, either by further curtailing services and care available to individuals or finally addressing the critical need for COST controls on providers and LIMITS on insurers as to what they can charge both for self-only AND for family coverage, how the registration for health insurance will be used by taxing authorities, and how the "universal" insurance will cover consumer costs without limiting consumer access to needed medical services or care.

This is where it starts, and the best way to make sure it's beginning from legitimate roots is to make sure that the lawmakers will be covered by the law they're enacting, rather than Obamacare's case whereby lawmakers specifically protected themselves from the shoddy, limited, expensive plans that they found good enough for everyone else. (See: Congress' Obamacare is Obamacare in Name Only: The de facto Exemption, )