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Monday, March 4, 2019

Mouths Amok: Democrats are Revealing their Innards, and they're Rotten

BuzzFeed gets some big thumbs down for its headline: "An Anti-Muslim Poster Of Ilhan Omar Led To Chaos In The West Virginia Capitol." Though I've cited BuzzFeed positively at times in the past, it's also right that I call bullsh*t on them now. I'm sure that my statement of my opinion will immediately ignite the outrage of the poison-spewing, divisive language of this perpetrator and her ilk, revealing the real problem with the new liberals, they expect to be mouths amok spewing stupidity, hatred and bigotry waving their banner of free speech while whining victimhood and bullying when anyone responds in any way to their relentless bigotry.

My response is, "It's about time someone reined in that poisonous ball of hatred that is Ilhan Omar." Even the liberal NY Magazine, that has spent many words twisting and justifying the dangerous direction of the Democratic Party into some benign force of "novelty" and "progress," where progress is unpersuasively defined seemingly as merely different, notes the Omar is a mouth amok.

This critique came from none other than Jonathan Chait, whose Obamacare justification efforts I've discussed in detail before, even he couldn't defend her. (See Omar Accuses Israel Hawks of 'Allegiance to a Foreign Country.'" Jonathan Chait, 2/28/2019).

Apparently upset by a poster, no one stated the obvious: If Ilhan Omar had better disguised her all too apparent hatred of Jews and Israel, her allegiance to the worst anti-Semitic trope that perpetuates Muslim hatred of Jews would not have elicited any response. How do we know? Because she's been vomiting hatred that we know of in her official capacity as a Minnesota Congressperson for months.

Naturally, New York can proudly boast that their underwhelming Congressperson Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, immediately confirmed her hatreds by supporting her fellow talking about how hate is bad, unless, apparently, it's the putrid, ignorant exhalations from their own mouths.

The Democratic Party is gambling that it can get enough people to jump on the anti-Semitism bandwagon or ignore the anti-Semitic under/overtones of the party under the cloak of some mislabeled idea of socialism and 'fairness' to win elections and it would be a stain and a shame if this is the case. Dump them or embrace your hatreds and biases and quite plainly, shut up when thinking people respond to you.