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Sunday, August 18, 2019

Democrats Have Learned Nothing from 1950s McCarthyism

In the 1950s Senator Joseph McCarthy jumped on the anti-Communist bandwagon and turned decent Americans into criminals labeling them Communists, often mistakenly. The government tolerated and aided and abetted the misery imposed by allegations, actions, threats and marginalizing of the unfortunately identified until in 1954 when Joseph McCarthy turned on his own, fellow members of government with the same politics of hate. Today McCarthyism as a noun is used to describe "a campaign or practice that endorses the use of unfair allegations and investigations."

And so we have the commitment of Democrats to unite under the banner that anyone who has a different opinion from them, especially Republicans are Nazis and racists. It's not different from McCarthyism and hopefully the movement's demise will occur soon.

Of course, currently our country is enduring the conflict, misery, threats and compulsory marginalizing of those who dissent from the bigger and bigger groups of people who are sentenced if they are unable to prove a negative. Simply throwing out the label is enough for right now, and if you're a Republican regardless of your race, age, religious affiliation or beliefs, you are a racist according to Democrats. How do you prove you're not a racist? You can't. It's like the old joke, "When did you stop beating your wife?" No win, either way you beat your wife.

People's friendships, jobs, relationships, and even physical safety are at issue if individuals dare to dissent from the only hook the Democratic Party has left, the faux moral high ground, used as a means of shaming people, all people into voting Democrat or being labeled "other," "racist," "white supremacist," or worse.

But there is a glimmer of hope, because as in the over-confident overreaching that ultimately led to the downfall of McCarthyism, the cracks are appearing in the claims of moral high ground. Though currently Democrats are defending the anti-Semitism of some of their Congressional members, there appears to be some discomfort being weakly and impotently expressed by a few Democrats hoping those haters will at least attempt to muzzle their irrational hatreds.

There are a few voices rising to point out that hatred of older, white males, (the six Steves as Hillary Clinton snarked to a group of snickering supporters who supposedly support tolerance) is racism, sexism, ageism, and an unfair attack on a group of people based on nothing but those characteristics.

Organizations such as Google, though powerful and seemingly dedicated to sticking with their program of faux moral high ground are showing cracks from within as they overreach, pruning, tweaking and trimming the bounds of acceptability to a small uninteresting set of guidelines that leave many of their own best thinkers outside the ever-constricting bounds of acceptability.

Heck, even the democratic candidates are attacking one another using their increasingly narrow faux moral high ground as Kamala Harris took fellow Democrat Joe Biden to task.

Here's the rub, blanket rejection or acceptance of any group regardless of reality is an "ism," a practice or system or philosophy. The further problem, as in McCarthyism is that those at the helm who get caught up in their moments of fame, power, money as they commit to the ism, are faced with new isms, or as in the case of the Democrats resurrected isms, like socialism, that are equally misunderstood, narrow, biased and ultimately fake promises of a new and better world.

For many, like me, Obama's presidency was a wake-up call as we were conned into the notion of Obamacare. Democrats and media, charmed, persuaded and at the heels of Obama's salesmanship insisted on the moral high ground…The faux moral high ground justification used by Obama in his preachiest voice lecturing America on the "right thing to do," still rings menacingly in my ears and was the moment when I voted Republican, against Obama in his second term because I had become other, mainly because of Obamacare and the untruths I like others had believed.

So committed to Obamaism were Democrats that to this day nobody has pointed out that the Affordable Care Act's inclusion of a ban on charging higher premiums, historically justified by insurance companies based on the old-time view of risk, for people based on their health (pre-existing conditions), drug use, alcoholism, obesity, childbearing years, but INCLUDING allowance for higher premiums based on tobacco use and age only was and is an AGEIST policy.

So committed to Obamaism were Democrats that to this day the Affordable Care Act's coverage of female sterilization as birth control and failure to cover male sterilization as birth control is not challenged as SEXIST.

So committed to Obamaism were Democrats that to this day the family glitch remains that places limits on what can be charged as a percentage of income to self-only insurance but the sky's the limit when it comes what can be charged for family coverage, discriminating against MARITAL STATUS.

Today, Democrats are throwing Obamacare under the bus for the garbage it is, the 2008 insurance industry created plan to provide non-insurance type benefits, because after all, insurance is to cover RISK, not checkups, in exchange for an unholy alliance between government, that is supposed to represent the people, and the financial business and stronghold of lobbyists for the health insurance industry and creating a tax against anyone who dared dissent (the individual mandate.)

And though Medicare for All is also a sham, because it too will sacrifice INSURANCE coverage, meaningful coverage in the event something happens in exchange for purchase of a service plan from insurance companies, it is at the very least a tacit acknowledgment and rejection of Obamacare.

So the answer is let the faux moral high-grounders keep talking, keep revealing their hypocrisy, ambition, self-interest and hatreds as they turn from their first group to hate, anyone who disagrees, to the ever-narrowing view of who is acceptable within their group and like McCarthyism, overreach themselves into history.