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Monday, August 19, 2019

Democrats Demanding Dystopia Buy-In and Mental Health

With all the focus and embrace and snarky responses about the people who don't respect science, (now another synonym for Republican,) it is stunning that mental health and its science is being ignored by the Democratic Party selling its racist, sexist, ageist platform of prejudice to voters. Sadly, today, a vote for the Democrats by many demands a full-blown submission into troublesome mental states.

Black and white thinking is a hallmark of depression. In "The Conversation," which no doubt would not prefer its findings be used in the context of this blog, on 2/2/2018, it was reported that "…those with depression will have a more black and white view of the world, and that this would manifest in their style of language,” (see "People with depression use language differently – here’s how to spot it.") But it's demanded by today's Democrats.

"All Democrats MUST…"the hallmark of black and white thinking and, also of note, of bullying as well, shutting out discourse in favor of discrediting any dissenter. So in addition to the vile generalizations about groups of people, white men, Jews, all Republicans, all gun owners, most rich people as somehow bad, stupid or flawed, we have the active encouragement of black and white thinking as Democrats attempt to manipulate voters into coming onboard their mental illness bandwagon.

And it's worse than that. Self-loathing is now a prerequisite to being a Democratic voter if you're white, if you're male, if you're Jewish, if you're rich, if you're religious (except Muslim), if you're pro-life even in the face of the up-till-birth laws of recent times. Self-loathing is also at the root of many mental illnesses and requires treatment to prevent any number of troublesome behaviors ranging from aggression to suicide to depression and on and on. Yet every Democratic Party voter who is a white male is affirming their self-hatred, confirming that yes, they, their fathers, their sons are perpetrators. Every white voter must bear the sins of every white person in history. Every Jewish person must distinguish himself from Israel and Jews who support Israel. Every rich person must pretend they care about the poor. It's a sickness, an unbalanced diatribe trickled out in hateful statement after hateful statement that every person should denounce rather than incorporate as part of a political platform in this country.

And it's worse than that. Stigmatizing and dehumanizing an entire nation (Israel) based on their own flawed indoctrination, we have the anti-Semitic enablement of seriously mentally ill haters in Congress with little to no knowledge of what they speak aside from some twisted, toxic, automated response of hatred…and they're being coddled by their cowed peers.

Their fellow governmental allies at best are remaining silent and at worse egging on the verbalization of festering relics of primitive anti-Semitism some believe they've cleverly disguised with their vile, unfounded, miserable backwards thoughts by using words like Israel and Zionist instead of Jews. It's unbelievable, yet there are even Jews who still defend the depressive, self-loathing principles of the Democratic platform.

It's a stunning imposition of damaged thought on a population. Rachel Maddow accusing Steven Manashi essentially of not being the right kind of immigrant, because he is the son of Iraqi Jews and grandson of Russian immigrants. Ageism as acceptable prejudice, as candidates Swalwell and Pete Buttigieg emphasize their youth as equivalent to competence. (Even Bernie Sanders noticed that). The hypocrisy of the faux noblesse noblige of rich democrats, recently called out by their fellow Democrats to add to their self-hatred list as perpetrators in the housing crisis in cities where rich liberals enforce not-in-my-backyardism.

This dystopia translates into bad policy. The unlikely, impossible and indefensible…Why weren't we informed about what Obamacare really was? Perhaps, because, identifying a problem is different from solving it and the known difficulties with our system have been known for decades, but a "fix" was elusive and therefore other less self-centered lawmakers restrained from the egotistical imposition of bad law. Even though Democrats had to, as Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber slipped, "rely on the stupidity of the American voter," to do it. So now, a decade later, the Democrats are resurrecting Medicare for all, also not going to happen the way most voters envision it. Medicare isn't free.

Medicare doesn't cover ailments, drugs and the best health care options. And Medicare for all is going to follow the Obamacare/insurance company model of LESS coverage for restoring and surviving illness and ailments (which is what insurance is supposed to cover, the unknown risk of whether you'll need to pay for such medical care and services) and more service-plan coverage, the cheap finite costs of a general checkup for the same or higher premium and copay, coinsurance and deduction prices.

And lest we forget, the Obamacare scam perpetrated against us by public employees and Congress who carved out a neat little provision for themselves (lawmakers making law for themselves) providing that in addition to their salaries, pensions, etc. that upwards of 72 percent of their premiums for superior insurance benefits gets paid for by us despite their nearly 200 grand a year salaries. Yep, pretty sure that'll be true under Medicare for all too.

There are all kinds of individuals in America. A political party that openly demands, fosters and manipulates a population into accepting their dystopia in order to affiliate with them, a party that demands submission to their prejudices and hatreds and biases and vile language as prerequisite to membership, an echo chamber of sick minds that discredits, marginalizes and slanders critics is dangerous and sad, and its followers, who are not even gaining the congressional salaries of the dystopia boosters or the power of office are perhaps even sadder. I hope the science of mental health is soon incorporated into the Democratic platform, because we need the balance of different opinions but we don't need the irrational hatreds and fears and toxic hyperbole of today's Democratic Party dominants.