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Friday, September 13, 2019

3rd Dem Debate Unwatchable

OK, so we expected theater, a "debate" room filled with hand-picked supporters, a panel of fans, a line of candidates who gushed admiration and togetherness for one another…Not exactly "debate," but GEEZ, if you're telling a story at least make it INTERESTING AND ENTERTAINING. Nope, that didn't happen either.

Thankfully, health care was the first issue addressed, so for me, it was only 40 minutes or so wasted. Lots of numbers when it came to health care tossed out in an effort to distract the audience from the fact that arguments about the fanciful "cost" of different programs is just that fanciful if you have no idea of how many people you're talking about. Combined with open borders, the welcome mat to every illegal entrant, this number is IMPOSSIBLE to even guess at.

Taking the advice of some commenters not to violate the seeming 11th commandment that Obama canNOT be criticized, the candidates carefully scripted lines of thanks to the man responsible for the con of the ACA, Obamacare with Joe Biden even repeating Obama's 2013 PoltiFact LIE OF THE YEAR, if you like your health plan you can keep it.

Other candidates, counting on our forgetfulness, or youth, or disinterest, dredged up the PUBLIC OPTION, a recycled and broken promise of Obama who dropped that in his earliest days AFTER election as unworkable if he, Obama, wanted to get insurance companies onboard. By now we know how Obama got insurance companies onboard, payoffs to insurers, from the first promise to mandate by law that every person would purchase the consumer financial product of health insurance or pay a tax penalty to the government for not making the purchase (the individual mandate), to with the three Rs, risk adjustment, risk reinsurance and risk corridors.

Oh, and noticeably among the "I feel your pain" candidates, not a single one addressing a REAL change for Americans, us NOT paying around 75 percent for CONGRESS' superior health care which as untruthfully goes by the name Obamacare as proposals for Medicare for All will be for all.

Debate? No. Informative? No. Same SH*T different day? Yes. Unwatchable.