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Sunday, August 9, 2015

Thumbing its Nose at the American People: Obamacare

Start with the government’s brag on its website: “The government provides its employees with a first-class benefits package. In fact, studies conducted by the Bureau of Labor Statistics reveal that the gap concerning benefits between the private and public sectors has been growing-in favor of the public sector,”

Where are the meaningful issues that will address this growing gap? Sadly, government has proven itself an ineffective tool for protecting the people it represents as it looks to shake citizens from its responsibility while preserving itself…THE GOVERNMENT CLASS.

It is WRONG, not right to force citizens who pay for the government class to suck it up and put up with worse coverage and/or more expensive care that only those with superior benefits can afford. Obamacare has fortified the government class at the expense of the rest of us.

But there’s a more insidious problem and that is the con that leaves Americans actually experiencing the reality of what the government imposes on the non-government class scratching their heads when the government class publishes story after story of how Obamacare is "working."

After having insulated themselves from the policy they’re imposing on us at our expense we’ve been lectured, cajoled, and in some cases virtually brainwashed into the robotic and inaccurate, “It’s working,” scenario. Working for the government class, yes, for the rest of us not so much.

The needed change to government is an apples to apples instead of apples to oranges demand by the American people. When we hear Obamacare is "working" we hear about how government has saved money overall. When we experience how Obamacare is not working we know it's based on our actual experience as individual consumers. How can the government get away with the boast it makes that I quote in the first paragraph? Because the government talks OVERALL when it talks saving money, so fewer federal workers means less expense for benefits. But this isn't about slashing jobs it's about individuals' benefits in public employment being cut down to more closely match those of the Americans paying for those government employee individual benefits.

Easy analysis, if a government worker gets sick his or her benefits will better protect him from financial and physical devastation because as the government states: "...BENEFITS BETWEEN THE PRIVATE AND PUBLIC SECTTORS HAS BEEN GROWING IN FAVOR OF THE PUBLIC SECTOR."

You do know that since Obamacare you’re in more peril of NOT HAVING SUFFICIENT COVERAGE in the event you have NEEDED medical services, don’t you? Premiums are up, out-of-pocket expenses in the form of coinsurance, copayments and deductibles are up. Out-of-pocket maximums are up and because of less coverage of needed medical services those out-of-pocket maximums are less likely to be reached since non-covered services don’t go toward your out-of-pocket maximum.

And what you know also: It’s likely that we will again pay more this benefits seasons for less coverage. Flash to the PAST, November 19, 2011, THE WALL STREET JOURNAL, Jon Kamp reported, “CVS Caremark Corp.’s pharmacy-benefit business is recommending customers stop covering more than 30 drugs next year.”

FLASH TO THE PRESENT: AUGUST 6, 2015, REUTERS, “31 Drugs, Including Viagra, Will be CUT from CVS’s Formulary.” Obamacare didn’t change anything except force the price of basic wellness up by requiring it to be included in every lousy health insurance plan AND forcing the cost of sickness up…Lose, lose.

The ONLY arguments left in support of Obamacare are the imaginary ones that without it things would be worse. But for the ones living without it, the government class, according to the government itself things are BETTER!

This benefits season the only choice is which INSUFFICIENT and INADEQUATE health insurance product you’ll choose. Obamacare forces the choice in order to avoid penalty, you have to buy. When was the last time you got a deal on something you were forced by law to buy? There are no deals, just choices.

And under Obamacare those choices are worse for many people such as men paying for women’s “free” services of an annual checkup or domestic violence counseling, two options unavailable to men. Or consider kiddie eye tests and dental checkups which though cheap are ridiculous to include as “Free” since in order to take advantage of those benefits that we’re all paying for parents still have to get health insurance for their children…That’s right, we’re all paying for kiddie eye exams and dental yet if you want your kid to have that you have to enroll them and pay for another policy…Paying twice.

The major confusion about Obamacare is that it is most meaningfully understood as a way to save government money on spending on health insurance costs to government by reducing the coverage given to individuals and expanding the money coming to government through taxes all while preserving government-class benefits which in the government’s own words has been growing-in favor of the public sector.

The most significant change to Obamacare any consumer can advocate is the most essential element of fairness argued by both parties but only with respect to citizens not themselves…SKIN IN THE GAME. We tried leaving the decision to the government and big surprise, they favored themselves. UNACCEPTABLE.