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Monday, March 21, 2016

Hillary Clinton: Hoping for No Change

Hillary Clinton is letting Bernie Sanders do her work, fully mobilizing Democrats including the next generation of movers and shakers whom she's hoping will then blindly simply vote Democrat by default after she soundly beats him out. Likely, it's a good approach for her, but for us it promises to solidify and continue another number of years of increasing isolation of Washington's political class from the people who put them there, an increasing shunning, ignoring, and dismissal of the massive numbers of citizens whose voices have been meaningless to an Obama administration that presumed to not only know what was best for us, but to enforce their views in spite of us, at the expense of us. This is what Hillary is doing as well.

"No change," is an answer for many Americans, especially those afraid of change, especially those afraid of the broken promises of change. But by now it should be clear Hillary Clinton is the FEAR vote representative. She warns that Americans aren't ready for Bernie Sanders' changes and warns that Donald Trump is the wrong kind of change. She clucks about the successes that the government class have achieved, defying the reality of what's occurred in this country over the last eight years.

Hillary Clinton is banking on American fear, banking on American reluctance to trust promises of any change, either by Bernie Sanders or Donald Trump after eight years of living the falsity of such promises by President Obama, she's banking that the government class can protect itself from joining the rest of the citizenry in living in an America that seems to have forgotten principles of representative government.