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Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Today Democrats are Far More Dangerous than Republicans

As consumers, in my opinion the reckless embrace of Democratic socialism presents a risk to consumers of being under the thumb of a super-government that works for itself at the expense of a population that combined with the benign rhetoric that incorporates the old-time sales pitches of equality, etc., runs the risk of persuading voters who are presented with their only other choice, "Nazism" as characterized by these same deluded mouthpieces.

Deluded? Yes. Historically deluded into believing that socialism "works" instead of attending to the endless examples that super-governments that wield power over citizens doesn't work. Factually deluded into ignoring that the word NAZI also arose from "socialist" propaganda. Check Wikipedia on this one, "National Socialism, (German: Nationalsozialismus), more commonly known as Nazism." Emotionally deluded into believing there is any moral high-ground in advocating for super-government based on false promises of fixing people, Earth, the world. This is dangerous.

The "Democratic socialist" lingo substituted by Democrats in their own words regarding the super-government and its corrupt history in socialism is watered down to a meaningless promise that they "Democratic socialists, favor as much decentralization as possible." Except that the super-government will have all the power to decide what "possible" means.

So, adopting the Democrats' framing of choice, Socialist versus Nazi, though both experiments destroyed their populations with the same false promises, who's better for this consumer? Well, I don't buy into the Nazi label, but Republicans win because the threat of socialism is worse than that of Nazism.

It would be wise for Democrats and Republicans to consider what really won the election for Donald Trump and it was that he is NOT an extremist. But within the new extremist politics, I'd still vote Republican.

For me the threat of socialism is greater to us all. First of all, because many people seem comfortable with the label of these self-declared socialists. There is no stigma, or critique of this word as they use it, normalizing it into some ghastly historical revival of things that have failed. Still today few if any are comfortable with the label Nazi. (Though the hypocrisy of Democrats normalizing anti-Semitic speech is a trend that should raise warning flags for people.)

Next, the threat posed by socialists is greater because emasculating specifically corporate powerhouses in our society will leave only one interest surviving, those of the self-interested government class that brought us Obamacare, capable of deal-making with societal agents that further governmental and individual power-grabber interests rather than moving in a direction of supposed citizen equality.

Here again, the socialists ignore even this recent history that insurance companies and their stocks, hospitals and their profits, all soared while individuals were given basic check-ups and are left to pay more for EVERY SINGLE MEDICAL EXPENSE FOR NEEDED MEDICAL CARE, EXCEPT for those public employees in government who to this moment have their own special Obamacare that is paid for by taxpayers.

This is the dazzle with bullsh*t strategy used by Obama that failed to inform and misinform using sultry terms of equality even as he signed legislation protecting public employees at the expense of citizens time after time after time, even as Obamacare legalized gender discrimination by specifically covering more medical services for females than males, even as Obamacare singled out older Americans as one of only two insurance company cost centers that could be charged more. The sheer silliness of entrusting more to the federal government with its track record of recent years should terrify every thinking American, even the socialists who seem to forget that the income gap between the rich and others under Obama became the largest in history.

So it boils down to bumper-sticker politics, Democrats insisting that if you don't buy into their old-time oppression of government over people which they call socialism that you're a Nazi, (though Nazism too was sold under the socialist banner.)

Well, here's my view…Your socialist freedom of speech that suppresses others' freedom of speech is not freedom of speech. Your socialist government that despises Jews because it's the only way you can envision supporting Muslims is repulsive. Your socialist government that despises masculinity because it's the only way you can envision supporting females is abhorrent. Your socialist government that despises distinctions between male and female EXCEPT when it suits other goals you've prioritized is moronic and your claims of classless society even as you elevate and financially gouge Americans for the public employee government class stands as a warning to us all that the new socialism is the same old socialism.

Supporting moderation means NOT supporting extremism and that when there are only extremist choices choosing the one less likely to be able to inflict its sinister goals on society is the better choice. Given that in reality Nazism justifiably retains its blatant inhumanity but socialism somehow doesn't means that Nazism still will not be tolerated while socialism and its hatreds, prejudices, hypocrisies, violence and oppressions are being tolerated which makes it a more immediate threat to us.